Recent content by HeadKick

  1. HeadKick

    Metal Alliance tour 2013!

    Sweet! Thanks for posting that. I'm sure I'll hit up the Cinci and Cleveland gigs. Maybe the Detroit as well.
  2. HeadKick

    Metal Alliance tour 2013!

    The Waste are a great band. I'm more stoked to see them again than Exodus. They always put on a great live show and get the crowd involved. Wall of Death!!! This is gonna be a good tour. Just need dates so I can check and get pissed that they're not coming to a town near me. :loco:
  3. HeadKick

    How Cool Is This???

    I love that Medusa shirt. They didn't have fat boy size at the concert I went to. I dug their Dawn of the Dead Not Man riff on last years Halloween shirt. I think I have more Anthrax shirts than regular shirts. :Spin:
  4. HeadKick

    How Cool Is This???

    The idea is cool, but the artwork is pretty blah. That horse looks more like a donkey. I scored one of the Big 4 Yankee Stadium exclusive shirts at a Mayhem festival this year. They were running out of stock on their other shirts so the dude pulled a box of these out.
  5. HeadKick

    You know, I never believed

    I saw Joey about a month ago. He shaved the sides of his head. Didn't give me a reason why, said he just felt like doing it. It did take me aback when I saw it though. lol. I dig that tee, too.
  6. HeadKick

    Look's what's available in the online shop

    Anyone who's gone to the shows so far see or get any of the merch? Prices? Did they have a Tour shirt or the zombie shirt available?
  7. HeadKick

    Look's what's available in the online shop

    I ordered the hoodie the day they went up for sale and got it in about a week, so I think you should be stylin' for your b day. I'm waiting for the damn Alex Ross zombie shirt! Hopefully they'll have them on tour at least.
  8. HeadKick

    New merchandise?

    Ya, I had to get the bundle. I already had the cd but figured I'd just give this one to my brother as a gift. Hoodies are usually between 50 and 60 bucks anyways so I said what the hell. Paying shipping on top of it sucked though.
  9. HeadKick

    New merchandise?

    I got the hoodie in the mail today. Figured I'd snatch one right away I always seem to wait and then sizes end up running out. It's a nice hoodie and the WM artwork isn't as bright as how it shows in the webstore, which I like. If any other fatty fans like myself who wear 2XL shirts get...
  10. HeadKick

    Anthrax skateboard article

    That's a cool article. I snagged one of those GOTE boards when I could. They don't come up that often anymore. Still need John's sig on it though.
  11. HeadKick

    Satan's lounge band

    Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. I'm planning on doing the whole day. I'll end up getting to the area early that morning and then try to get to the Best Buy theatre early get a ticket for the Clinic and then see the show and hang out for a while. I'll definitely google up the Weehawken...
  12. HeadKick

    Satan's lounge band

    Question for the people who are going to this. If I was to drive to NY to see this show what would be the best thing to do. Drive straight into town and park in a garage for a day or stop somewhere in Jersey or something and take a bus in? I'm assuming driving in the heart of the city is a...
  13. HeadKick

    New Anthrax Pre-Order Bundle

    That bundle's pretty lame. Just looks to me like Megaforce is just trying to unload their pile of unclaimed Fistful vinyls. Earache always puts out some decent bundles for their cd releases. Usually a shirt, a pick, a patch, etc.
  14. HeadKick

    Caption this picture

    Dave: "I guess I'll take a pic but if I do this with a fan they'll have to pay $200 for a meet and greet." Tom: " Just so you know guys this is as close as I'm willing to get to the Big 4 jam tonight, okay." Lars: " What about me guys? Huh huh huh!!!!??!" James: "Pie is up!!!!"...
  15. HeadKick

    Fight'em Friday

    Sounds great!!! I dig it immensely. And that Alex Ross artwork is fuckin' pissah. Heh, just noticed Charlie's killing the fuck outta his zombie with drumsticks.