Recent content by ...heat

  1. H

    Farewell and good luck Heather!

    Hey everyone, thankyou so much for the kind words. It was a very hard decision to make, but an important one. The Maidens along with manager Mark and stage manager Chris have been incredible people throughout this entire journey. I've had the time of my life traveling and playing with these...
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    TIMS @ The Galaxy Theatre Sat Feb 9th

    Tomorrow night is going to be a good time, i'm the pantz :hypno:
  3. H

    odd pieces at NAMM

    took this with my phone, couldn't pass it up <b> and by the way...that is working flame thrower at the top and a functioning rocket on the body. Made me wanna :Puke: on myself it was so awesome
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    Happy Birthday Heather!

    Thankyou all so so so much! 23 and the lines are showing already...hahaha, well not quite yet. I want everyone to do me a favor and take at least one shot of Patron Tequila tonight!
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LINDA!!!!!!!!!!!

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    American Idol... WEAK

    ahahahahahahah that was great:zombie:
  7. H

    Get Well Sara Thread

    Sara did an incredible job last night and I have to tell you that it is such an honor to share the stage with her. Not to mention the fact that she has made me strive to be a better player each and every time we play together. ALL HAIL SARA!:notworthy GET WELL H
  8. H

    Crazy Stage Dive!! ahhhhaahahaha:Puke:
  9. H

    Welcome Heather

    Hello all!! It's been a great experience so far performing along with recording the EP with the girls.:blush: They're all great players and I feel honored to share the stage with them. I Look forward to meeting everyone eventually. \m/:kickass: Heather