Recent content by heatherxlove

  1. heatherxlove

    New album name

    @bobvex, if they said "fuck you" they'd be too much like eminem. if they said, "you can't judge me" they'd be too much like good charlotte. if they said, "you don't know me" they'd be too much like t.i. WHO GIVES A FLYING SACK OF SHIT WHAT THE ALBUM'S NAME IS?!
  2. heatherxlove

    finally! my bodom pics...sorry bout the links, but just bear with them please!

    I didn't mean to offend you guys. And I'm not putting down Janne either. I know Janne's a cool guy. I just remember him having that ridiculous getup on and seeing a picture from that surface is just hilarious.
  3. heatherxlove

    Viva La Bam is playing tons of CoB.

    Don't you all know?!! You can't watch MTV and be METAL! GRR IT'S SOOO BAD! And who cares if Bam is scripted, it's still funny! I watch it just to see Don Vito, lol!
  4. heatherxlove

    word association

  5. heatherxlove

    finally! my bodom pics...sorry bout the links, but just bear with them please!

    Well, that particular picture where Janne has the hoodie and shades on there weren't any pictures taken with him until several people followed him into the parking lot because I was there. I saw it all go down. I'm not saying that in order to have a picture taken with Janne you have to chase...
  6. heatherxlove

    finally! my bodom pics...sorry bout the links, but just bear with them please!

    I can't post anything else because all of my files are on my boyfriend's computer. He's formatting my notebook right now (or rather the past two months... blame World of Warcraft). And, I have a few minutes of video from the show that I took on my digital camera just because there were a few...
  7. heatherxlove

    Viva La Bam is playing tons of CoB.

    lol, read my post!
  8. heatherxlove

    Viva La Bam is playing tons of CoB.

    I am watching Viva La Bam on MTV. These two guys announced the warning before the show and I thought, "hmm... Their accent sounds Finnish" and whadaya know! They were Finnish! Bam brought along two Finnish friends on a fishing trip to Mexico and they've been playing nothing but Bodom in the...
  9. heatherxlove

    finally! my bodom pics...sorry bout the links, but just bear with them please!

    lol, You guys only got that picture of Janne cuz you followed him out to the parking lot. I got some good pics from that show too. :Smug:
  10. heatherxlove

    atlanta show

    bitch mother fucker!
  11. heatherxlove

    Petition to Stop Calling Alexi a "bunny"

    that bunny with the pancake is called "oolong the rabbit". there are websites of that rabbit with tons of crap balanced on its head. it died a few years ago i believe. let's balance pancakes on alexi's head and see if he gets the same response.
  12. heatherxlove

    atlanta show

    anna leigh - don't worry about it, i was trying to get with all of them too. they are sexy bitches.
  13. heatherxlove

    atlanta show

    there are a few of the pics i took at the atlanta show. have lots more but they're MINE!!! ALL MINE!!! bwa ha ha ha.
  14. heatherxlove

    something i found while digging through old threads

    so what??? girls are... clean.
  15. heatherxlove

    Have you seen Bodom??????

    i have seen COB live 4,286 times. the best was when they played in hawaii for a luau party i had for my 87th birthday. i made them all wear hula skirts and it was cute. yeah, i plan to see them again in april. maybe. i'm getting pretty sick of them. can we say "WHOA"???