Recent content by Hell Breath

  1. H

    My new favorite amp? Earforce

  2. H

    Any twitter users out there?

    I recommend following MrsStephenFry, Nick_Nolte and TheMime
  3. H

    Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

    Rush - Beyond the Lighted Stage. 8/10 I loved it, and I don't even like Rush that much.
  4. H

    The photography thread

  5. H

    russians ate a 16 years old girl with chips

  6. H

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

  7. H

    The ENGL preamp plugin, TSE X30

    The TSE X30 is especially good, but a huge thanks to ALL of those who make plugs like these for free. The TSE X30 with a good cabinet impulse is the best guitar tone I've ever gotten without micing a real amp. (Not that that's saying much; my mixes still sound like shit. But with plugs like...
  8. H

    New ampsim: TSE X30

    Looking forward to testing this one! :kickass:
  9. H

    Does anyone run a mic-pre before their interface (while recording gits)

    Currently using a JoeMeek TwinQ into an Alesis IO14. I'm really diggin the JoeMeek, and for the sound it gives, I'm GLAD it doesn't have tubes.
  10. H

    Slayer in studio...

    :lol: I'm the same way
  11. H

    Slayer in studio...

    Agreed! Sure it's not like their best stuff, but I'd rather listen to Slayer doing something they've done before than to listen to Metallica experiment.
  12. H

    Recording Bass

    Amen to that. Of course, the same can be said about guitarists, drummers, vocalists etc.