Recent content by Hell_Awaits

  1. Hell_Awaits

    na na hey hey goodbye

    The United States government has been in the kill/capture OBL business since 1996.
  2. Hell_Awaits

    na na hey hey goodbye

    Or he gets elected easily because he's running against Trump.
  3. Hell_Awaits

    Bad ass mule.
  4. Hell_Awaits

    4-year-old drummer.

    This kid looks like he's having a blast.
  5. Hell_Awaits

    Snowmageddon 2010

    There's no debate about global warming the melting ice at the poles are proof. The only debate is whether or not its being caused by people.
  6. Hell_Awaits

    This shit drives me fucking crazy!!!

    Neither are roads, fire department, police department, etc.
  7. Hell_Awaits

    More shenanigans for the religion of peace!!

    LOL. Hitler found out the hard way that genocide is not that easy.
  8. Hell_Awaits

    Healthcare for Seniors..

    So whats the point of the original post? Medicare is for people over 65.
  9. Hell_Awaits

    Supreme Court overturns ban on direct corporate spending on elections -

    Welcome to the fascists corpocracy.
  10. Hell_Awaits


    He's a charismatic, inexperienced young fellow running on a platform of change. Damn that sounds familiar.
  11. Hell_Awaits


    Hasan made his feelings known that Islam was his first priority followed by the United States in one of his class lectures.
  12. Hell_Awaits


    Maybe you should'nt take it so personally.
  13. Hell_Awaits

    O/T: Communist in the White House strikes again

    LOL. Yeah Robert Gates is a well known communist.
  14. Hell_Awaits

    This shit drives me fucking crazy!!!

    Where did you find that story?
  15. Hell_Awaits

    An experiment in Socialism...

    An affirmative action policy would accept people based on ethnicity or gender from the qualified pool of people applying for said postion. So while you might get the postion based on your race, ethnicity or gender, you would still have to meet all the same qualifications anyone else would...