Recent content by hellfleet

  1. hellfleet

    ProgPower Europe 2008 - Post Your Pictures, Videos & Reviews Here

    Given that I'm not sure who you are I have absolutely no idea :) Aye you someone I met, someone in a band or someone making a joke? :)
  2. hellfleet

    ProgPower Europe 2008 - Post Your Pictures, Videos & Reviews Here

    Hey, I probably wont ever be a regular poser as RL doesn't leave me with so much time to spend on forums (and they are blocked at work :lol:) but I had a really great time on the sunday. It was good to meet a few people, Monica & Astrid - it was nice to meet some friendly faces. I got...
  3. hellfleet

    The 2nd day

    I'm disapointed I couldn't make it. Still hopefully today should be great. I gotta set off for the venue soon myself. (Dutch rain is just as wet as the stuff I left in england :))
  4. hellfleet

    Are we ready?

    So does this take into account 3 x gigantic heads on the top of the beers ? I'm just guessing here, i've not seen them yet.
  5. hellfleet

    musicians seeking musicians

    Long shot here; I'm a bass player, fairly experienced with rock/metal styles. Currently based in Limburg, Netherlands. I'd be up for doing something over here. I'd also be up for trying an internet project if someone wishes to work with me. I can record myself :) Ell
  6. hellfleet

    The Busses from Baarlo

    I'm sorted now DrThrash is kind enough to give me a lift back :) See you all there.
  7. hellfleet

    The Busses from Baarlo

    Ah well, if I have to get a taxi somewhere so be it... I'm still coming. There ought to be late busses really though...
  8. hellfleet

    Are we ready?

    0.4 Litres is a small one. :goggly: Sorry, I've been on these little Euro-beers for a few weeks now and missing my pints :)
  9. hellfleet

    The Busses from Baarlo

    Thats rubbish :(
  10. hellfleet

    The Busses from Baarlo

    Hey there, I've only been in the netherlands a few weeks therefore i'm still getting used to the lay of the land here (i actually live in Limburg now) but Baarlo seems pretty inaccessable. Could some kind person point me to a bus timetable? I need to get to Roermond sunday night after...