Recent content by Helloween

  1. Helloween

    Favorite Bands?

    iron maiden angra helloween iced earth metallica cradle of filth arch enemy ozzy rhapsody stratovarius dream theatre megadeth judas priest hammerfall dio
  2. Helloween

    need help picking out a guitar for my friend

    well if he were to go to a pawn shop hed go with my friends dad who has played guitar for about 40 years and just got his son a $2500 gibson les paul at a pawnshop, they always go to pawn shops so that wouldnt be a problem but ill look into these nj series bc richs and some jacksons
  3. Helloween

    need help picking out a guitar for my friend

    yeah, they dont have a wammy bar but i guess a guitar worth 500$ wouldnt have a good wammy bar... unless we try a pawn shop
  4. Helloween

    need help picking out a guitar for my friend

    my friend is getting a new guitar soon, it'll be his 2nd guitar and hes looking for one around the price 500-600 canadian dollars thats decent for heavy metal and has a fairly good wammy bar thing, anyone have any suggestions that we could look into?
  5. Helloween

    important pickup question

    alright ill look into this stuff... but i have no money right now cause i just spent 900 on my ke3... then i gotta get a hard case that will fit my guitar cause my old cause dosent fit it, and then im gonna get a better amp then some better pickups, they'll be the last thing i get probably, i...
  6. Helloween

    important pickup question

    yeah i have an mt-2 pedal too. i also heard an ampliphone or epiphone amp or something like that was pretty good so im not sure yet, but ill wait till i actually have enough for an amp and see... im getting my new guitar in a few hours :grin:
  7. Helloween

    important pickup question

    oh awsome you have a good point, i do have a very shitty 15 watt fender amp right now... im in a band and im gonna try and get a 100 watt marshall for christmas but yeah i guess your right and i should wait, thanks
  8. Helloween

    important pickup question

    damn now im in a dilema... i just read that it sounds awsome with the 85 in the bridge and the 81 in the neck... but whats a good emg for lead other than an 81? is a 60 any good?
  9. Helloween

    important pickup question

    i have a few questions... im quite new to playing guitar, ive been playing for 8 months and this saturday im getting my jackson ke3 but i heard the pickups on that guitar suck... so i was planning on getting some emg 81's but apparantly they arent good for a clean sound and im wondering if the...
  10. Helloween

    What are you listening to?

    power (live) - helloween
  11. Helloween

    Your Favorite Brand of Guitar?

    im getting my jackson this saturday :grin: cant wait
  12. Helloween

    best intro/outro ever

    thats hard but i know one thing is that nightwish has some killer intros
  13. Helloween

    Stupidest comments made towards metal by non-metal fans.

    haha i like yours high on maiden... anyways... "all death metal is hitting the double kick a thousand times and hitting symbols so hard that they break" "hammerfall isnt even metal theyre like soft punk" "iron maiden is just a bunch of guitar that makes no sense" all those were...
  14. Helloween

    Greetings from the newest noob

    hey everyone i just signed up today and damn i love every metal band out there
  15. Helloween

    EMG pickups?

    i have a few questions... im quite new to playing guitar, ive been playing for 8 months and this saturday im getting my jackson ke3 but i heard the pickups on that guitar suck... so i was planning on getting some emg 81's but apparantly they arent good for a clean sound and im wondering if the...