Recent content by Helvete

  1. Helvete

    What Band Do You Own The Most Albums Of?

    Slayer: Show No Mercy Hell Awaits Reign In Blood Seasons In the Abyss South of Heaven Divine Intervention God Hates Us All and War at the Warfield.
  2. Helvete

    Overrated albums

  3. Helvete

    How do you download your music?

    I use mIRC. I tried Soulseek a couple of times but I have never been able to download anything, "Queeeeed"
  4. Helvete

    How is the music scene in your area?

    Were I live Ostergotland, Sweden we had loads of hardcore bands but they seem to have left (hc isnt popular anymore...). We have some bands like Marduk(yes it´s THE Marduk), Satanic Slaughter(death/black), Roswell (Kind of raw Melodic Death), Corporation 187 (Slayer-worshipping thrash), Morifade...
  5. Helvete

    bands youve recently discovered

    All Out War. Got their cd Condemned To Suffer and it is quite intresting, sounds like a better/heavier/harder/faster type of Hatebreed. Also I got a CDR from a friend containing some Black Metal bands from Iceland and some death/grind from Asia. I dont know what they are called but some of...
  6. Helvete

    Dissapointing albums by bands that you love

    I don´t like some of the bands at all nowadays just because they started to suck. Carnal Forge - The More You Suffer (I thought Please...Die had very nice songs but the production was a bit weak so I was hoping TMYS would have sort of the same material but with rawer production... But the...
  7. Helvete

    whats the difference between thrash and speed metal?

    My opinon on this matter is as follows: Speed Metal is fast heavymetal with clean vocals. Thrash is fast heavymetal with a little bit ruffer vocals and more riffchanges. I consider Anthrax - Spreading the Disease and Judas Priest - Painkiller as speed metal. And Sodom - Agent Orange and...
  8. Helvete

    when is death grind/vise versa

    Spawn of Possession - Don´t remeber what its called Insision - Beneath the Folds of Flesh Immersed In Blood - Killing Season They are deathlike kind of grind or something.
  9. Helvete

    Overrated albums

    I got nothing to do so: Dissection - Storm of the Light´s Bane (It´s pretty good, but everyone keeps saying "It´s teh best ever" Dissection - The Somberlain (see above) Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger (It contains one good song, the rest is just boring) Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas...
  10. Helvete

    Most Influential Thrash Band?

    Slayer, Sodom, Kreator, Venom, Bathory and Black Sabbath
  11. Helvete

    THE 90s list - another lame challenge...

    Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss Dark Angel - Leave Scars Kreator - Coma of Souls Malevolent Creation - The Ten Commandments/Stillborn Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk Macabre - Sinister Slaughter Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder (this one is actually kind good) Vomitory - Raped In Their...
  12. Helvete

    Immolation - Unholy Cult

    I think it´s pretty good, nothing out of the ordinary though. I really don´t like this style of dm but as mentioned before, it´s pretty good.
  13. Helvete

    Official Question-Answer Thread

    A: Jimmie Hendrix Q: Have you ever heard Defleshed?
  14. Helvete

    Metal genres... does anybody actually care?

    Esteban: I totaly agree with you. If I think Dissection is blackmetal, please let me do so, and you are more than welcome to call it death. What differens does it make? Instead of genres I just say: Insision - They play fast and brutal, singing is growl. Gamma Ray - The play fast and...
  15. Helvete

    Most Depressing Song Ever

    Axel Rudi Pell - Heartbreaker, not the lyrics but the music... The guitar-lead is very depressing.