Recent content by Hiasubi

  1. Hiasubi

    Now Playing

    Michael Romeo - Sevil Alucard
  2. Hiasubi

    Your last purchase??

    Well i came back from Hammerfest earlier today and i picked up some albums i wanted for awhile since i like to have hard copys if i can instead of downloaded ones: Sabaton - Art of War, Epica - Divine Conspiracy, Epica - Classical Conspiracy, Epica - Design Your Universe, Kamelot - The Expidtion...
  3. Hiasubi

    Your dream Symphony X show

    I can invade your dreams at will! Although in think its intersting how most people seem to have The Odyessy in there dream show, yet i always assumed as far as songs go out of DWoT and The Odyessy people prefered DWoT
  4. Hiasubi

    Symphony X NEEDS to do a live DVD!!!

    I would absilulty adore a Live DVD, and the special features would be to die for seriously. But i dont mind waiting since the liklehood is (imo) that we will get one eventualy, but it will be when they are ready to do it and lets face it it will fucking blow us all away period. So i dont mind...
  5. Hiasubi

    News about the CD

    AMEN TO THAT Regarding the debate of V these to posts summed it up for me: No more needs to be said really. But for me there best album has to be The Odyessy, and regarding the peroson who asked, i listened to V after i had heard there stuff. First full album being Odyessy, that being said...
  6. Hiasubi

    Your dream Symphony X show

    Well im 19 and dont drink, cant stand the stuff, think it tastes nasty and would much prefer Mineral Water with a hint of Lemon and Lime, so your saying i shouldnt be allowed to go see one of my fav bands? Mine would be (even though by Phantos rules i wouldnt get to see it) set at a huge hall...
  7. Hiasubi

    Symphony X Favorite(s)

    Agreed, while Absense and Paradise are not my fav from V if compared to Fallen, but imo they are the best to things on the album 2nd to V, because if anything there catchy and damn good :) (I know bunch will disagree about them being 2nd to Fallen of the album) :P
  8. Hiasubi

    Symphony X Favorite(s)

    The Odyssey (beautiful song) King of Terrors The Walls of Babylon Seven The Eve of Seduction Orion the Hunter The Church of the Machine Through the Looking Glass I, II, III Lady of the Snow Fallen On The Breath of Possieden The Edge of Forever Pharoah DWOT Out of the Ashes Winters Dream I&II...