Recent content by horizonsofchaos

  1. H

    first kindof mix. (6505, SD)

    started to mix this, haven't worked much on it yet. Used my Preamp out of my 6505, since i wont have a decent cab around until Friday. Gain is probably a little to high on the amp. and the first riff is a bit sloppy, but ill be redoing it when i can mic up a cab anyway. Im very new to all...
  2. H

    Room impulse?

    how do i take an impulse of my room to find out what frequencies drop out. i gave seen people on here post pictures of theirs, and am wondering what programs i need / how you do it.
  3. H

    Drumagog problem

    In Cubase 5, with Superior Drummer, i activate all track in Cubase, and SD. when i put drumagog on a track to sample, lets say the kick, it stops the sound from playing, the raw kick sound, or the sample will not play. Drumagog pops up as an insert, and as soon as that happens, the sounds...
  4. H

    Presonus Firestudio Project help (records left side only)

    so, i am basically retarded, i figured this out, simple, and embarassing mistake on my part. thanks anyway!!
  5. H

    KRK 8's for metal?

    I have been told by a few people that these are not very good for mixing metal. I am in a smaller room right now, hopefully moving soon and will have a bigger space. are the 8's good for metal? or should i go with the 6's? i can't really go anywhere to test them out, as nowhere around...
  6. H

    post pictures of your desk!

    I am re building my desk tomorrow, hopefully my new gear will be here as well, as it was expected today, and i will get up some pics ASAP :)
  7. H

    post pictures of your desk!

    i am debating re organizing/building on to my desk and would like some ideas!