Recent content by HowlingofGod

  1. H


    Can't wait for They Came From Space to get posted. Thanks Tim:rock:
  2. H

    Some goblin videos

    Sorry Tim, I didn't mean any offense, I love my Warlock. And your's is badass. Goblin's rule. They Came From Space just blows me away everytime I hear it.:notworthy
  3. H

    Some goblin videos

    There's a huge difference between the low end ones and the more expensive ones. The budget warlocks are pretty crappy to be honest in my experience, but the Warlock II is pretty bitchin.
  4. H

    Where would you come to see us this summer?

    Yeah, Kentucky would be bad ass, I live in Lexington, but I would travel to Louisville or Cincinatti so see live goblins.