Recent content by hybreed

  1. H

    I bet a lot of the people on this forum are musicians.

    I play guitar and have done so for 3 years. Lessons since 1.5 year or so with a guy who is undoubtley one of Swedens most skilled guitarists. I play a PRS Custom24 and me and my bassplaying friend have a project which lately have gone towards a mix of uhm.. katatonia, porcupine tree and...
  2. H


    The Epilog-album is highly recomended.
  3. H

    Do u speak Swedish?!

    You can still listen to the whole show you know..
  4. H

    Katatonia amps!

    Man.. Many Many metal bands don't use pedals. There are multichannel amps, which you switch between a footpedal.. Every channel is a separate preamp. In a two-channel amp they are often a clean channel and a distorted channel.
  5. H

    Katatonia amps!

    So you mean you have to have pedals to play anything else than clean? Wake up man. for matamps.
  6. H

    Viva Emptiness Lyrics

    In the latest issue of Terrorizer Jonas states that Viva lyrically IS a concept. And that Omerta is about someone being poisoned to death and the sudden ending is just that. The death of the narrator as he puts it.