Recent content by Hydraleader

  1. H

    Self Fulfilled Prophecy (Metalcore)

    I recommend people check this band out. Metalcore from the Chicago area. Old Mp3's are up. Thank you.
  2. H

    Not Really News About HEX, But...

    Self Fulfilled Prophecy would like to thank Bob Beach for his producing of our four song demo. We owe Bob a lot for his time and effort. We realize you took time out of your extremely busy schedule to pruduce this, and we are eternally grateful for this. And if we should ever do this again...
  3. H

    Writing Commences!

    That is awesome. Not that I am getting tired of playing the same Hex songs over and over in my computer or anything. Hahahaha. NEW MATERIAL!!! WAAAAAA!!!!! And thank you for taking us in to the studio. I will make sure everyone understands the schedule and I will personally see to it...
  4. H

    New review of our synthetic soul...

    Not too shabby of a review. I had a feeling the programmed drums were gonna come into play. Hopefully you will have a live drummer soon.
  5. H

    Current CD Rotation....

    Opeth - Orchid Nothingface - An Audio Guise to Everyday Atrocity Devildriver - Devildriver Self Fulfilled Prophecy - SFP In Flames - Colony Nevermore - Dead Heart in a Dead World
  6. H

    Current CD Rotation....

    Aghora - Aghora Antimatter - Lights Out Ephel Duath - Rephormula Inflames - Reroute to Remain Lamb of God - As the Palaces Burn Meshuggah - Nothing Nevermore - Enemies of Reality Nightwish - Century Child
  7. H

    How does Hex Sound Like?

    hey bob. what is the news on HEX dude? ....... nephilim show dec 13!!! and one in late november!!! plus we may be removing our keyboardist earlier than we thought. plus..... HEX!!! oh, and i was wondering if you would want to do a song with nephilim, a combined effort. that would be bad...
  8. H

    So who are Hex?

    hey bob. i just wanted to congradulate HEX on their appearance on the Ultimate Metal volume one. lined up with those bands, and being number 5 on the line up is an awesome accomplishment. Unbelievable that a little while ago you guys were just starting your first album. mucho props. HEX for...
  9. H

    So who are Hex?

    niu.... hm..... for being a party school, it blows. i really haven't seen too many parties. these weekend i'm gonna go looking for some. some of the classes are hard, some are cool, and some are beyond pointless. food is pretty decent, it would be even better if the places would stay open...
  10. H

    So who are Hex?

    hey bob, i have an idea. after being out here in the middle of nowhere for a while, i think that i may be able to pass out some demos and get you known out here. surprisingly there are a few metalheads out here besides myself. send me some demos, or i will get some when i come back next.
  11. H is down (again)...

    true, it should be adamantium, but ryan our keyboardist said he didn't like the "d" in it, so i changed it. who knows what'll happen with it.
  12. H

    Best Song on SYL

    i love the break down in relentless.
  13. H is down (again)...

    i still cannot access the site. what's up? anamantium 4 life.
  14. H

    I Can't Believe It! I TRULY CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!

    hm..... i will agree to the fact that the front line assembly album was weak, but it was the first time i heard devin townsend, so i have an attachment to it. but i really like strapping young lad.
  15. H

    I Can't Believe It! I TRULY CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!

    i am new to this forum, but not to devin townsend. does anyone else really like the work he did with front line assembly?