Recent content by I am Nothing

  1. I

    Destiny, Infinity, Eternity

    Destiny, Infinity, Eternity DIE :o!
  2. I

    happy birthday pagan2002 !

    from a Daniel to a Daniel FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS DANNY!!!! or, translated from Spanish, Happeeeee Birthday!!!!!! by the way, we both Libra´s ;) (september 29th) cheers!! :rock: (still expecting you guys here in Chile...:/)
  3. I

    If You Could Make An Anathema Video....

    hi there guys...cheers from Chile... well, if you could make an Anathema video clip...which song you choose?...and how it could be??? i mean...i´ve been a lot waiting for a new video, but i still don´t understand the band´s position about it....well, here we are free to dream!!! i...
  4. I

    breakfast for champions

    Chilean "CAZUELA" :)
  5. I

    Blackheim's Epiphone

    wow....talking about les pauls makes me feel very very hungry!!! the way, i really love playing an Epiphone Les Paul, i mean, there´s nothign to compare with the original Gibson, but, with that price, is so good...and if you´re not able tuy buy a Gibson, it is a good solution...
  6. I

    My Brian Died

    My Brian Died = My Dying Bride , noone else noticed that?!?!?! some subliminal stuff in there dunc?? you said, maybe some acid into my body is making me see things on colors and words on words... anyway, good luck with your health!!!!
  7. I

    Anathema Covers Compilation At Last !!!

    hi all you guys.....i´m from chile and i´m really interested to be invovled on the anathema covers project.....may I?!?!? :grin: if you r answer (cedarbreed) is ok, can you tell me how? I have a version of Parisienne Moonlight with two acoustic guitars and 4 vocals...(all done by me and...