Recent content by iamironman88

  1. I

    Master is peaking but none of my tracks are

    Im having a go at mixing to this level but i find myself turning everything down quite substantially to achieve this, is this right?
  2. I

    Master is peaking but none of my tracks are

    mastering audio by Bob Katz is a great read
  3. I

    Picking up television through my amps

    hey guys, this has been annoying me for weeks now. Im picking up very prominent television from next do through every guitar and bass amp in my house. Ive tried going through a passive DI with balanced out, i then purchased an ART cleanbox earth loop eliminator, neither has worked. any and all...
  4. I

    Help with SONAR and exporting MIDI VSTi's!!

    i've tried routing superior drummer to a bus but the drum bus doesn't even show up when exporting! a lot of the projects im working on at the moment rely quite heavily on superior drummer so any help will be awesome
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    Help with SONAR and exporting MIDI VSTi's!!

    hey, for some reason over the last few months sonar has slowly stopped recognizing some of my soft synths when exporting as audio, i've never used anything cracked. they play midi fine in a project. and tonight its started doing it for superior drummer and i cant be dealling with that!!!! it may...
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    FS (EU): Studio Projects VTB-1 preamp

    hello! is this item still up for sale?? if so, how much would postage to UK be? cheers!
  7. I

    What is Slip Editing...(I READ THE TUTS!)

    hey guys, has anyone got some advice for doing this slip editing in Sonar?? ive just spent ages editing a track and have several more to go so any advice on how to be more effecient on Sonar would be great. cheers