Recent content by Iced_earth

  1. I

    Need Some Suggestions

    I just recently Bought RECREATION DAY, the first Evergrey CD I own. Now I think the Cd is pretty good, could be better but pretty good what I want to know is, which CD of theirs is their best...and what recommendations would you all give me on what Cd's to buy?
  2. I

    New to Evergrey

    I myself am just like you. I recently just got into EVERGREY, I still dont have a CD from them..but I think im going to buy RD on saturday, anyway. What I usually listen to is Iced Earth, Dimmu Borgir, Death, Children of Bodom, Nightwish, Slayer...But Evergrey, the songs I do have, I keep...
  3. I

    Downloading mp3s

    Hey guys, I just made this name. Im new to this board, and actually new to EVERGREY. I have been trying to D/l music of theirs forever now, and I only have 3 songs so far. All 3 are great. I do plan to buy an Evergrey album with my first check from my new job \m/ But anyway... I agree with you...