Recent content by icewinds

  1. icewinds

    Equilibrium... I cant find their cd anywhere!!

    Someone recommended this band to me. Well, i got one album, turis fratyr,and i only could listened to three songs in a followed way. This kind of music always bores me.
  2. icewinds


    I am not into her work, but i listened to some songs and i think she has a very warm voice and her music is good.
  3. icewinds

    Beware for Cats serve Satan, The Devil.

    No comments
  4. icewinds

    best female vocalist in a metal band

    Anneke von Giersbergen, i love her voice.
  5. icewinds

    kalmah or CoB

    I like both bands, but i prefer COB.
  6. icewinds


    And what happens if you are not a religious person? That prohibition should be only observed by their believers, not by the rest of people. What a mania for compeling people to do what they say. Mine: Guinness
  7. icewinds

    Anyone know any good Black Metal bands?

    That is a good way to begin in this genre.
  8. icewinds

    My Dying Bride

    Yes, it´s one of my favourite bands, i like most of their albums. And I´m also waiting for their next dvd. I hope to see them on concert some day.
  9. icewinds


    I think you also have to listen to Ancient dreams and Nightfall. It´s a very good band. If you liked Epicus, you´ll enjoy with the rest. Bye
  10. icewinds

    Morgion is no more.

    I didn´t know but it´s a pity, they were a good band.
  11. icewinds

    Good Ambient

    Archon Satani Desiderii marginis Letum Cernunnos wood Coph nia Lightwave Vond Endura Sephiroth Impressions of winter Canaan Shinjuku thief
  12. icewinds

    Quorthon of Bathory has died...!!!

    This is a bad new, and he also was very young. Rest in peace
  13. icewinds

    Few pics from my trip to Jutland

    Nice pics, and i also have to say you are very cute.
  14. icewinds

    Amon Amarth's top 5

    the last with pagan blood victorious march fury divine legend of a banished man masters of war