Recent content by Ikard

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    The Books/Reading Thread

    I've really been delving into the work of Ernest Hemingway. For Whom The Bell Tolls and A Farewell to Arms are two of my favorites right now.
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    Albums currently kicking your ass

    This may have already been mentioned but Screaming Bloody Gore by Death
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    Controversial opinions on metal

    I've always hated Iron Maiden and Metallica.
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    Metal vs punk vs industrial

    I'd say that punk definitely influenced metal in terms of rhythm and aggression. I haven't listened to enough Industrial to comment on its influence but I'm sure it's there. I'm pretty drunk so my posts may be nonsense but whatever. :P
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    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    Angel of Disease- Morbid Angel
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    My name's Tye! I recently branched out from my punk rock roots and started listening to metal and thought that joining a forum would be a good way to expand my knowledge of the genre. Looking forward to discovering some kick-ass bands!