Recent content by illuminatus

  1. illuminatus

    illuminatus | Friday 26th Sept

    Hey guys, Just a quick note to remind you all that we will be playing live at Junktion7, Nottingham on Friday Sept 26th. We will be appearing alongside Razorwire and Headhunglow. Our EP 'Aborted Revolutions' is now out, and can be purchased through the Bloodstock CD Store. Thanks...
  2. illuminatus

    best second stage act poll

    Well, i was told that the winner would receive a free subscription to the Daily Mail. I couldn't resist. I am sorry.
  3. illuminatus

    illuminatus EP for sale @ Bloodstock Site

    Hey Boys + Girls Just a quick message from illuminatus to let you all know that Vince has agreed to sell our EP through the Bloodstock Merch section. Our new EP 'Aborted Revolutions' is for sale at the CD Store ( for £6.50, so anyone who didn't...
  4. illuminatus

    illuminatus EP for sale @ Bloodstock Site

    Hey Boys + Girls Just a quick message from illuminatus to let you all know that Vince has agreed to sell our EP through the Bloodstock Merch section. Our new EP 'Aborted Revolutions' is for sale at the CD Store ( for £6.50, so anyone who didn't...
  5. illuminatus

    wow from illuminatus

    well, what can we say. we're totally amazed by the great response we've had from you guys so far. we had the time of our lives at Bloodstock and it was definetly the best show we've ever played. again, we want to thank Vince and the rest of the team at BS03 for having the balls to support...
  6. illuminatus

    Virgin band shock?

    Hi Lydian Lady, This is Julio, the singer of illuminatus... i wanted to say thanks for your post, it's great to see so many people enjoyed our set! Our EP was for sale in the merch area, we had a little stall and everything (we stole the space that was supposed to belong to Nightwish and...