Recent content by In My World

  1. I

    Out of those who completely love WM, how many still miss Bush a little ?

    Not even a little bit. WM proves beyond the iota of a doubt that Joey is capable of a variety of styles, and possesses a range that John Bush can only dream of.
  2. I

    The official "Drop Got the Time from the setlist" thread

    Got the Time isn't horrible, but for that to be the ONLY song they play from PoT is criminal.
  3. I

    Satan's lounge band

    So, doors are at 8 - is it safe to assume the show starts at 9?
  4. I

    Once again, it doesn't add up

    Is anyone else confused? After the initial reunion didn't Anthrax try to get Belladonna to stay on board to record a new Anthrax album? Once that didn't work out they tried to get Bush back; he declined. Then there was the whole Dan Nelson fiasco. Then Bush was back yet again, but apparently...
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    Armored Saint entering studio in October

    Well it does show John isn't changing his plans or life around to accomodate Anthrax, which he shouldn't. He's probably concentrating on AS right now and not even giving Anthrax much thought.
  6. I


    Bush will not come back, Anthrax will go ahead and release Worship Music with Dan's vocals as their swan song, and that will be the end. Maybe?
  7. I

    Bring Back Bush online petition

    Couldn't agree more. You know what this all reminds me of - a psycho ex publicly crying that they want their old lover back, and just because things didn't work out with anyone since they split. It's like someone needing time to think things through, and they can't think in peace because...
  8. I

    Bring Back Bush online petition

    Ermmm, I'm *pretty* sure Anthrax has made it clear that they want Bush back and I'm *pretty* sure Bush knows this. What on earth is the petition going to accomplish exactly? :rolleyes:
  9. I

    JOHN BUSH: My Time With ANTHRAX Is 'Over' - Sep. 25, 2005

    I wish Bush took part. As amazing as this reunion has been, I think it would have been even more so to see two sets - one with Belladonna, one with Bush. Everyone here is picking sides; I enjoy both line ups, but have to admit, a new record with Belladonna would be cooler than one with Bush...
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    the show was amazing. i almost got in a fight though. some dick pushed me before anthrax hit the stage so i called him an asshole. he stuck his middle finger in my face and tried to get me to fight (sorry, i'm a pacifist). how very sad. oh and if you're reading this - you're an ASSHOLE...
  11. I

    Questions about Jersey Gig Tonight

    I realize there's another Sayerville thread, but here goes my questions anyway: Is there just one opening band? Are they (the opener(s)) any good? What time does Anthrax go on? Is this VIP party thing going to be worth it? Are we gonna get to meet the guys or just watch them soundcheck...
  12. I

    OFFICIAL Sayerville STARLAND THREAD- who's going? Lets get ready!!!

    crimson, i may be with you on bailing on this soundcheck thing. truth is i can be there between 3 - 3:30 - but will this VIP thing even be worth it?? I mean, if it's just watching the band soundcheck big fucking deal, that's not worth sitting around for four hours with my thumb up my ass. if...
  13. I

    OFFICIAL Sayerville STARLAND THREAD- who's going? Lets get ready!!!

    That is SO FUCKING LAME!!!!! It sounded like this was gonna start at 6 - 6:30, who knows if I can get out of work early enough to be there at 3. I know I shouldn't complain but who wants to get there that early just to have to hang out for hours afterwards? I mean, do we even get to meet them...
  14. I

    OFFICIAL Sayerville STARLAND THREAD- who's going? Lets get ready!!!

    I will be there. None of my friends were interested (LAME) so I'll be alone, but that's OK.