Recent content by indignantaudio

  1. indignantaudio

    Trying out Tascam US-1641 Guitar/Bass Tones

    Over here the kicks low, and the snares a little hot. I dig the guitar tone, but i cant really distinguish the bass. my 2 cents...
  2. indignantaudio

    Tool-like bass sound

    Nope Paul D'Amour was a guitar player before Tool. He was a friend of Adam (Jones, the guitarist in tool). He played exclusively with a pick as well. The only song that I know of that either one played with fingers are Wings for Marie and 10,000 days. :kickass:
  3. indignantaudio

    iPhone Application Development

    "good MIDI drum sequencer which would export the MIDI data key-mapped to your favourite drum VSTi" this, with tempo change. :rock:
  4. indignantaudio

    For people struggling with rates and how to charge

    +1 Cash up front or no dice. I personally use 50% to book the date, and the other 50% at the end of the session. Flat rate per day.
  5. indignantaudio

    Alternative mix - plz comment :)

    Here's a mix for a band I'm currently mixing. I know it's not metal, but some comments would be nice. thnks for your time :) *edit* forgot to say the band wants no gridding. Bass, drums, and 1 gtr. were...
  6. indignantaudio

    Test Master For Upcoming EP

    I'd go back and work on the mix a bit, and forget the master, for now.
  7. indignantaudio

    Alternative band - rate my mix

    last bump
  8. indignantaudio

    Some new mix, critics really needed

    I think a slightly wetter sound would be of benefit, granted different strokes for different folks. Just seems that's where my ear keeps going back to and focusing, that usually means (to me) that it's distracting in some way.
  9. indignantaudio

    Alternative band - rate my mix

    thanks Nuno. anyone else?
  10. indignantaudio

    Some new mix, critics really needed

    the snare sounds a little dry on my end too.
  11. indignantaudio

    Some new mix, critics really needed

    I'm listening on the laptop atm, but based on my first listen - I'd automate the bass up (louder) during the verses when it's just vox, bass, and drums. Levels and tones sound good otherwise (on laptop). cheers!:kickass:
  12. indignantaudio

    Alternative band - rate my mix

    here's one song of the current project I'm working on. Band wants no time aligning etc. Recorded live with second guitar dubbed (only one guitarist), and vocals dubbed. There's excessive silence that needs trimmed at the beginning, sorry. enjoy...
  13. indignantaudio

    Acoustic Calculator

    awesome, thanks ermz :)