Recent content by Indiooo

  1. Indiooo

    Un-bolting a bolt-on neck?

    Don't sand the paint off. Use a chemical solvent, it'll save you time and effort, plus the wood will stay nice and smooth without many irregularities to worry about. Of course this only applies to the process of removing the paint. Once you get the primer on, you'll need to get your grit out and...
  2. Indiooo

    soloing skills

    First of all, learn your theory! Screwing around looking for the notes that sound right is boring, and you could use that time to practice your phrasing and expression. And after you're confortable with key / scales / modal scales you can start getting into outside playing. Make your playing...
  3. Indiooo

    Floyd Rose

    There's one saddle for each string on most guitars (Telecasters have one saddle for two strings).
  4. Indiooo

    Floyd Rose

    I think you're confusing saddle with NUT.
  5. Indiooo

    Orange Amps??

    Hummm... No thrash from an Orange. lol They pretty much do the vintage brit rock sound and not a lot more.
  6. Indiooo

    whats the heaviest amp out there?

    Just a few options... Engl Powerball Diezel Herbert Bogner Uberschall
  7. Indiooo

    Your favorite scale

    Dorian. Not metal \m/, I know.
  8. Indiooo

    Triaxis users, help me!!!

    Don't know then... Maybe yo should take it to a tech and be done with it.
  9. Indiooo

    guitarists...check these out

    The thing with solid state amps is that they just can't be cranked, as the tone gets horrible (fizzy, really dry and scratchy). That's why they are rated at 350w and beyond, so you'll never be able or need to put them on 10. They sound their best at half power or so, just enough to get the...
  10. Indiooo

    guitarists...check these out

    It's about headroom. You won't sound any louder using a 100w cab like a Greenback loaded 412 than you would using a 240w V30 loaded 412 cab. A cab by itself doesn't produce sound. If you have a head that puts out 100w RMS, that's all you're going to get, period. The difference is that using that...
  11. Indiooo

    Triaxis users, help me!!!

    Maybe it's not the Tri... What poweramp and cab are you using it with?
  12. Indiooo

    Analog Pedals vs Digital Pedals

    Low gain amps and a nice OD pedal can get great distortion too (and I don't mean raunchy Texas blues, I mean bone crushing distortion ;) ).
  13. Indiooo

    help with a few decisions

    I always thought it was alder... Maybe you're right. But yeah ash is one of the most common strat woods and it sounds pretty good, very balanced tone. Plus it looks great with a nice burst.
  14. Indiooo

    help with a few decisions

    It won't hurt having the neck pickup anyway, just in case. I sure couldn't get along with just the bridge pickup.