Recent content by Inearthed

  1. I


    Ooops, sorry DualMuso. I hadn't read your post carefully enough, so I took you for an American. Stupid me :mad: I hope you will forgive me :rolleyes: By the way, this site with names is really cool. I found it while searching for the online finnish course. Maybe someone can reccomend me any...
  2. I


    You, Americans, are always having so big problems while pronouncing the non-english words ;) Maybe you should try this page: Finnish names You'll find the name "Aleksi" in the "Male names" (Aleksi = Aleksi) and "Laiho" in the "Last names" list. Click on it and you'll hear the correct...
  3. I

    Back to their roots in Follow the Reaper

    I've got five songs of Inearthed in mp3s, but their quality is not very good. They're all about 80-90 kb/s. :( Maybe COB should re-made these songs and put them on a separate CD....
  4. I

    Needles 24/7

    Yeah: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week :) By the way - are COB going to include this song on a new album? It will be great, if so. :grin: Oh, I forgot: Hi to all of you!!! Newbie is coming ;)