Recent content by inertia

  1. I

    Karhu's new album "Genericist" now available for streaming

    This album is rocking...really professional in every sense. Well done! Even the nagging commentary is amusing. Much heavier and aggressive than the previous album.
  2. I

    Have a listen if you like doom

    Sounds relaly good! Added to my BC wishlist:)
  3. I

    Latest album is out soon! Pre-Orders up!

    Just release the thing fucking ;) I'm not paying for it if the guitar tone isn't AXEFX :D
  4. I

    Sold my AxeFX made this instead :D

    Well you didn't make that tone exclusively using GVST plugins did you? :D
  5. I

    Sold my AxeFX made this instead :D

    Sounds good, I think! Spill the beans then :D Shame about losing your AxeFX!
  6. I

    Latest album is out soon! Pre-Orders up!

    I can't find a demo to download...i really want to test it out to see if it offers anything more than what I have setup in my FX chain.
  7. I

    Latest album is out soon! Pre-Orders up!

    I don't like Joey! He is younger and more successful than me :D That plugin looks cool...gonna have to test it and see if i need it now :D
  8. I

    Latest album is out soon! Pre-Orders up!

    Sounds killer! Absolutely love the vocal sound don't change a thing :D You've been hammering the vox with the Slate plugins and loads of drive haven't you? ;) Reminds me of Meshuggah in both style and vocal delivery. Sounds a lot more powerful than your previous stuff. I like the simplicity of...
  9. I

    Stereo Nasty 80s metal full album released

    You nailed it...the sound and overall vibe!
  10. I

    Feeble attempt at doing a Bergstrand mix (Soilwork)

    It wasn't the EQ on the guitar that piqued my interest but the core tone. Have a listen to my EP in my signature and if you are interested in the sounds there I'll be happy to give some tips. I know it's chalk and cheese in musical style but the principles are the same.
  11. I

    Feeble attempt at doing a Bergstrand mix (Soilwork)

    The core guitar tone sounds really good but your mix is terrible. It's too lofi and need to get more high end on everything. I can also hear unwanted artefacts somewhere. It's not a disaster and i am sure you can remedy it but go back to basics and start low cutting everything with...
  12. I

    Murdryck - Throne of Shatter Divinty [black metal]

    I am happy with the mix overall and obviously certain aspects of the mix are subjective. It is only a demo for the album and the album will have real drums recorded by Leon from Mithras in the UK. I haven't fully decided which direction to take the mix. Probably a little more lo-fi and...
  13. I

    Murdryck - Throne of Shatter Divinty [black metal]

    Thanks Dan, appreciate you listening!
  14. I

    Swedish BM Murdryck - New Song (Throne of Shattered Divinity) We have released a new song as a teaser from the demo sessions for our new album out later in the year. We still have vinyl replica cds of the EP if anyone wants to buy one...