Recent content by Infinite

  1. Infinite

    well hello everyone!!

    Ok this is kind of a wierd thread as I've been a part of this site for ages, but I haven't signed in for over 4 years and can't remember how many, if any, posts I made when I first signed. so this is a kind of re-introduction thread! Names Phil, I'm 23 and from the rocking midlands of...
  2. Infinite

    120 mins of Metal

    no i didnt, I generally dont watch MTV on account of the fact it's poo
  3. Infinite

    Skull of sidon is my new favourite song

    I already knew a little bit about them, but only that they existed I didnt know exactly what they did, but the word Templar is in the lyrics so i checked it out, very interesting story.
  4. Infinite

    Skull of sidon is my new favourite song

    :cool: I cant get over how much i like this song, I didnt realise the Skull was an actual story, having read the lyrics and researched the story I am now completely awed by the whole Knights templar a fantastic period of history! thanks guys! come to York or Mansfield soon :D:D
  5. Infinite

    ProgPower 2006

    If Threshold are playing I'm gonna try my damndest to get there!
  6. Infinite

    RIP Bryan Ottoson (American Head Charge)

    oh well in that case i'm not so surprised. I thought he'd been killed or died from a medical condition like that dude from drowning pool
  7. Infinite

    Intense to play PMUK's first ever Dominion fest

    Jonoleth - cheers for the info, I didnt expect it would be that hard to get to, plus i should be back up in York by October so chances of me going are pretty high
  8. Infinite

    Intense to play PMUK's first ever Dominion fest

    depending on travel arrangements and such I think I may be able to get to this one, be a hell of a lot easier to get to than the 13th day festival! Why cant you guys just come and play in York! :P
  9. Infinite

    RIP Bryan Ottoson (American Head Charge)

    wow, how did he die? and from what?
  10. Infinite

    Metal hammer

    Metal hammer's better than Kerrap though!!
  11. Infinite

    Your influencing is spreading!

    lol unfortunately no, just got worse! :P
  12. Infinite

    bruce or blaze

    you talking about Sean Peck and Cage? That whole incident was stupid, I cant remember exactly what happened from all the reports and shit but I gotta say i think Peck took it way outta context, and bear in mind Blaze is in his 40s, how old is Peck, I think Blaze is past the age now of wanting to...
  13. Infinite

    Scuzz, New Skids on the Block

    I walked past hellraiser today but i only had a fiver so i didnt go in, i'll buy it soon though!!
  14. Infinite

    Shadowkeep Awaken

    I'd go and see them over BOA!! :rock: :rock:
  15. Infinite

    Touring news from Dragonforce

    I like angra, Edu Falaschi (sp?) has an amazinf voice!!