Recent content by InfinityPotato

  1. InfinityPotato

    Bath / LYBM liner notes puzzle: The current state of the game

    I think this is the closest we got, and it makes sense!
  2. InfinityPotato


  3. InfinityPotato

    Zarrot (POL, DM) - Where Aeons Have Been Lost

    Hello everyone! Today my band Zarrot that I am a vocalist in, released its debut full length album after almost three years of recording. I hope that the wait was worth it, so gave it a listen and tell us what do you think of it. Enjoy!
  4. InfinityPotato

    Zarrot - Cleansing [Multitracks]

    Hi everyone! I thought I will provide multitracks to my bands recent released track. Its a slow death metal song. You can use it in your portfolio if you want to, but please reference the artist. Multitracks: Original...
  5. InfinityPotato

    Bath / LYBM liner notes puzzle: The current state of the game

    So here's my result: Kinda makes sense now, but still something is off imo
  6. InfinityPotato

    Bath / LYBM liner notes puzzle: The current state of the game

    I don't know if this a good idea what I gonna write (I think obvious but I will write this). So the secret message has ALWAYS a first word from these four tracks (They Aren't All Beautiful, Geography, Stones of the October Sobbing and Sleep Is a Curse). So I guess that we should change some...