Recent content by Inis Mona

  1. Inis Mona

    Calling all Woodsman...

    Voted and also asked my friends to do it c:
  2. Inis Mona

    Bands that you may never heard of that SLAY

    My friend's folk-metal band, finally, released their first EP "Follow Me". You can listen to it here Slane - "Follow Me" EP Cover was made by me :)
  3. Inis Mona

    Made a profile just to say this...

    Can understand you, man. I was in same situation, when in last year I discovered that band one week before 21th of December...
  4. Inis Mona

    It's been two years

    Still miss him too, and his music reminds me, that he's not dead as long as his songs exists and play in our music-devices, reflecting in our hearts and souls.
  5. Inis Mona


    Liked very much acoustic versions. Very beautiful songs.
  6. Inis Mona

    -Recommendations Thread-

    For darkwave's fans c:
  7. Inis Mona

    What Band Shirts Do You Own?

    Haha, lol, agree with phantomfreak!
  8. Inis Mona

    What Band Shirts Do You Own?

    orcslayr23, oh, thanks! I must see it too x)
  9. Inis Mona

    R.I.P Jeff Hanneman

    Oh. I don't listen to their music. Only had a look at this. But when talented people pass away it's always sorrowful.
  10. Inis Mona

    What Band Shirts Do You Own?

    Official - only one, Skillet x)) Because they was in our city some time ago. And made by myself - Disturbed. I'm going to order some of Sabaton, Eluveitie. I also would like to order WoY one, are they still available?
  11. Inis Mona

    Woods Of Ypres Win Juno Award

    Oh, you're so lucky person! I would like to know David... I suppose, he was really unusual man. And in Russia we often say: "He was a gold person", when we talk about a man, who was very talented, educated, clever and good. And our phrase in English context obtains the special meaning...
  12. Inis Mona

    Woods Of Ypres Win Juno Award

    DarriOakenhawk44 videos are fantastic! Thank you!
  13. Inis Mona

    Now playing thread

    Folk, folk, folk... Celtic folk C:
  14. Inis Mona

    "Traveling Alone" vocal cover

    I like your covers! :loco: Very good works. bout practice: now I'm trying to open my voice, and sometimes I can do it, sometimes not x)) But I will keep trying. Fortunately, I have some ear for music x)
  15. Inis Mona

    Woods Of Ypres Win Juno Award

    Great news! But also there is sadness because D. Gold can't see that...