Recent content by init0

  1. init0

    the albums in your mother tongue

    Hungarian translation of the album titles: Something wild: Valami vad / Valami vadság (it means 'something wildness', but makes more sense in Hungarian that way). Hatebreeder: Gyűlöletkeltő (you like the vowels, don't you? :) It means Hateraiser or hatecreator), literally...
  2. init0

    the albums in your mother tongue

    Hungarian translation of the album titles: Something wild: Valami vad / Valami vadság (it means 'something wildness', but makes more sense in Hungarian that way). Hatebreeder: Gyűlöletkeltő (you like the vowels, don't you? :) It means Hateraiser or hatecreator), literally...
  3. init0

    NEW ALBUM "BLOODDRUNK" There you go, mates.
  4. init0

    Offical Bloodrunk Radio Show on Ylex Thread

    Exactly what I wanted to hear! Wicked. Full of melodies. Brilliant. (^^^666 posts - evil.)
  5. init0

    Janne/Alexi jam @ ESP (full video)

    CoB and Warmen have a bit different styles, different feelings. I think that's the reason why Janne plays those kind of solos. And that's the reason why he is great. He can play many styles, and play them well. So it isn't weird, it's completely normal :-)
  6. init0

    Janne/Alexi jam @ ESP (full video)

    I thought it happened because of his composing skills and high-level guitar techniques, which are unquestionably great(even from a 17 years old guy). But I still think, that e.g. his runs in the duels with Janne aren't as good as they should be.
  7. init0

    Janne/Alexi jam @ ESP (full video)

    Laiho can't improvise. And his playing is very noisy and inaccurate. It was pretty bad. He concentrate much more on creating some weird harmonics :( Janne rocks as usual. Music flows out of his hands :) Probably he is the best musician in the band. Along with Jaska.
  8. init0

    Sinergy influences on Blooddrunk?

    It isn't true at all. A good idea is not something you can build up by time, it just pops out. So a long writing session won't guarantee a good result (probably will, but you can never know), and also a good album can be written in a few weeks(like Maiden's Number Of The Beast). But I'm...
  9. init0

    Guitar Heroes Album.

    As I said before, you need a tool to join those files. I recommended HJSplit(, which is easy-to-use (Click "Join", open the .001 file, one more click, then wait a bit, then your file is ready). For playing I recommend MPlayer( It...
  10. init0

    Guitar Heroes Album.

    Here is the whole video:
  11. init0

    Guitar Heroes Album.

    Actually, I've dumped the whole stream. Its size is about 800MiB. If someone has a good server, I can upload it there. Otherwise I could use rapidshare, if it really is important for many of you (I'm very lazy, you know :)
  12. init0

    Guitar Heroes Album.

    Content of <ASX version="3.0"> <Entry> <Ref href = "" /> </Entry> </ASX> I can't reach the referred file, because there is no route to that host. Maybe it's only available from Finnish IPs.
  13. init0

    Album Update

    "Good Morning Roadkill", I like that title. It has some strange mood, which really caught me. Like happy, bloody slashing. I find it much better then "Touch Like Angel Of Death" or "Hatebreeder", etc. Those are just dark and meaningless, but this one is brilliant. Seems that they're havig fun...
  14. init0

    Enemies of the drinking men

    I've been wondering since my first time of alcoholdrinking, what really causes the side-effects of drinking a pretty great amount of alcohol. Years went by, and I was still at a loss. Then some day, the morning after a heavy-drinking party, I found some dirt under my nails. That threw new...
  15. init0

    COB TV News

    Oh, my fucking god! 1. A few beers (4-5) won't make you drunk. 2. A few swigs of whisky or vodka won't make you drunk. 3. Alexi said swigs, not bottle. 4. Throwing up from alcohol could mean 2 things: - drinking 0.3-0.5 litre of something heavy alcohol very fast, but after that nothing bad...