Recent content by Inquire Within

  1. Inquire Within

    Anybody else been disapointed with the new soilwork album?

    For the most part, I couldn't really get into it, but I did like Bjorn's (or 'Speed's') clean vocals. So I'd have to say that Steelbath Suicide and Predator's Portrait are still my favorite Soilwork albums.
  2. Inquire Within

    Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

    Thank you:) And I do see the resemblance to the kid in this pic.
  3. Inquire Within

    Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

    I'm bored at work, so here is a pic of me and my nephew...
  4. Inquire Within

    What album are you listening to right now?

    Dying Fetus - Stop At Nothing
  5. Inquire Within

    What album are you listening to right now?

    Nightwish - Wishmaster
  6. Inquire Within

    An update (hurray)

    Sweet. :cool:
  7. Inquire Within

    What album are you listening to right now?

    Hypocrisy - The Final Chapter
  8. Inquire Within

    Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

    Thank you demonic, Lhorian and natasmai. :)
  9. Inquire Within

    Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

    My goofy looking mug
  10. Inquire Within

    What album are you listening to right now?

    The Forsaken - Manifest of Hate
  11. Inquire Within

    The NOW Thread (eating, drinking, wearing, feeling, etc..)

    Alright for being at work, I guess...
  12. Inquire Within


  13. Inquire Within


  14. Inquire Within
