Recent content by insejn

  1. insejn

    Bagpipe, Violins, Blood, Dancing, Metal and FIRE!! :D...

    Bagpipe, Violins, Blood, Dancing, Metal and FIRE!! :D
  2. insejn

    New Music Video! Fire, Bagpipe, Violin, Metal, Blood, Dancing! :D...

    New Music Video! Fire, Bagpipe, Violin, Metal, Blood, Dancing! :D
  3. insejn

    Black Magic Fools new video!

    Bagpipe, violin, fire, grave dancing, blood.. all packed into one music video by Black Magic Fools! :)
  4. insejn

    Please recommend me music.

    I'm kind of new to this forum so I'm not familiar with your taste... but I bet you haven't heard of this :)
  5. insejn

    Folk metal with clean vocals?

    I'm not sure what genre this is, but they call it both Folk and Medieval Metal"... I've also heard "Jester Metal". They're right now working on a new album and here's a teaser from that. A friend introduced me to them, and they go for something in between clean and growl vocals, Black Magic...