Recent content by Internity

  1. Internity

    Colossal Bass Instrument ON SALE!

    thank you - got the link!! edit: I got the 509 error too .. meh
  2. Internity

    Colossal Bass Instrument ON SALE!

    same.. could not get download link...
  3. Internity

    mesa boogie mini rectifier

    I was thinking of buying this amp - 25W is good for me for type of gigs and rehersals and I need huge round and ballsy distortion anyone has this amp and have something to say about it? mesa boogie mini rectifier 25W...
  4. Internity

    NEAT - punk hardcore female fronted - INCLUDING album`s snare/BD samples

    Hey guys, :kickass: my band (NEAT) just released it`s debut EP named "Starting Over" support us: youtube: soundcloud: or in bandcamp: DRUM SAMPLES!!!!!!!! the drum mix...
  5. Internity

    NEAT - Starting Over (punk-hardcore female fronted)

    Hey guys - the full album went out today! hope you will like it - if does - support us!
  6. Internity

    NEAT - Starting Over (punk-hardcore female fronted)

    maybe i will upload one of the tracks for mixing.. I will think about it :)
  7. Internity

    NEAT - Starting Over (punk-hardcore female fronted)

    of course - Guitar - LTD EC1000 with seymour duncan JB / JAZZ pickus Recorded DI with Lexicon Lambda (pretty cheap but has nice DIs) reamped with TSE 808 -> TSE x50 -> custom 5150 preamp impulse -> marshall cab impulse + s-preshigh + orange cab impulse than EQed and Staturated a bit.
  8. Internity

    NEAT - Starting Over (punk-hardcore female fronted)

    hey guys, my band just released a new single off the debut EP "Starting Over" This was mixed by me - The drums are fully acoustic (non samples) except the bass drum. I also used TSE BOD on the bass if you liked this and wanna hear some more - give us a like in facebook...
  9. Internity

    Any fresh music to share ?

    NEAT - new punk-hardcore band!
  10. Internity

    ESP LTD EC-1000 ASB - Hard Rock / Metal Demo

    Hey, I just bought a new guitar! ESP LTD EC-1000 ASB Guitars: ESP LTD EC-1000 ASB Pickups: Bridge - Seymour Duncan SH-4 - aka JB Neck - Seymour Duncan SH-1 llJ9XoJvg0Q Original Music The song I play is from one of my bands named Caliber. The...
  11. Internity

    Acoustic Original song - Andy mckee style

    hey guys, check out my new song - Two weeks of self awareness hope you will like it :)
  12. Internity

    Acoustic Original song - shure 57 only

    Hey guys, I recorded an original song of mine: played with a norman guitar - pretty awesome and shure 57 hope you will like it! :)
  13. Internity

    Drum Sample Store Online Now - 6 Kick Samples for Sale

    the site doesn't work for me..
  14. Internity

    wonder years esque pop punk

    man really nice mix ! I think the kick is too clicky... it has no depth the bass rocks !!