Recent content by Inth

  1. Inth

    A Natural Disaster, song survivor poll 1

    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I hate it I HATE IT !!! ...why it has to be - song survivor poll...... I always chose a song I like the most becouse I'm used to vote on normal polls.... ; ( ..or maybe I am just stupid ... ; P
  2. Inth

    Hehe, Danny wanted to tour with Katatonia last year

    I remember a gig in warsaw when Opeth played with Katatonia[Still Life/Tonight's Decision]...and it was a great show.... When I think about Anathema/Opeth/Katatonia possible tour... only one word I have to say...........TOTAL ARMAGEDON ; ) ps..but nowdays when Opeth is "such a great and...
  3. Inth

    Who is yer role model?

    Jon Nodtveidt Mauser Abbath I think no need to explain :flame: best regards Inth Ps - nice thread
  4. Inth


    I prefer screaming like Dissection, than growling...but for example Peter from Vader has a great Growl.
  5. Inth

    Music - my home...

    My band is called Arren and we play melodic black/death. I play on lead guitar and do the vocals [scream] We already recorded a 4 track Demo titled Arise In february 2004 we will record our second Demo. I have two electric guitars: black copy of Les Paul and this beauty ; ) I'v worked...
  6. Inth

    Music - my home...

    Hi there I thought that it would be great to know which one of you is a musician?? Please, write something about your instrument, way of practice, way of playing. If you have any photo of Your instrument, it will be nice to see it... Maybe we could share some experience...maybe we could...
  7. Inth

    How smart are you?

    RESULTS: Your IQ score is 666. A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 600-666 is well known as "God".According to your results, your greatest intellectual strength is Processing Speed. hmmm....HAHA!
  8. Inth

    Acoustic set. Warsaw Proxima

    um...if You want to drink beer at the bar...go somwhere else ...becouse at the Anathema gig people wants to discover some deep feelings not listening to a bunch of people talking shit... we have to respect music ...
  9. Inth

    An Anathema song survivor would rawk.

    let's do the poll... ...propably the whole Poland will vote for A Dying Wish ;)
  10. Inth

    Wish me luck

    I wish You good luck...but in fact If You don't stop right will be harder tomorrow...sad but true...or You can just say to Yourself: I will only smoke on partys ..and smoke only on partys ; ) best wishes to You
  11. Inth

    2nd acoustic show, Wroclaw

    The warsaw gig was in fact the shortest one but as I heard the atmosphere was the best of all three.. after all never mind which one was the best... We had a great oportunity to see Anathema live in a very personal way and that's what count. It was a great spiritual journey...