Recent content by Invincible

  1. Invincible

    Your favorite songs off "Are You Dead Yet?"

    You are so stupid, you discuss on the band's official board about an album that isn't out yet... Great fans, really!
  2. Invincible

    In Your Face

    It's a very very heavy song, in my opinion heavier than songs like "You're better off dead!", but as told it has a catchy refrain, great melodies and great solos in it.. I heard it at Rockhard :p
  3. Invincible

    Bloodstock Open Air

    No more beards?^^ Seems that I've been lucky, "In your face" was only played on RockHard until now, or am I wrong?
  4. Invincible

    Slow CoB Songs

    Everytime I die, definitely...
  5. Invincible

    Downfall Video?

    Yeah, the Needled 24/7-Video sucks ass.. Sixpounder is the best one imo
  6. Invincible

    Downfall Video?

    In Downfall you can just see the band performing the song, if my memory is right.. They're playing on a stage with green light and so on, there's no deeper story... But I don't remember the video that good..
  7. Invincible

    Hatebreeder Deluxe edition???

    No.. The "new" Hatebreeder will only feature "No commands", "In your face" will be released as a seperate single..
  8. Invincible

    CoB ftp

    Ah okay, thanks :)
  9. Invincible

    CoB ftp

    Are you sure? I heard after the release of HCD Alexi didn't like the song anymore, so they didn't use it for their live-set..
  10. Invincible

    Worst and Best song of each Album?

    From best to "worst": Something Wild: In the Shadows // Touch like angel of death Hatebreeder: Bed of Razors // Black Widow Follow the Reaper: Kissing the Shadow // Hellion Hate Crew Deathroll: Needled 24/7 // Hate Crew Deathroll T,L&S: Trashed, Lost & Strungout // She is beautiful
  11. Invincible

    CoB ftp

    That song was never played live
  12. Invincible

    Bastards Of Bodom Tab :O

    lol, can't believe you guys mixed up Korn and CoB... *laugh*
  13. Invincible

    What is the best CoB song?

    Same here
  14. Invincible

    Hatebreeder Deluxe edition???

    Talking of the trees would be fucking awesome.. But I don't expect too much
  15. Invincible

    New Alexi interview online

    Great interview, the most interesting one I read 'til now :)