Recent content by Irongaz

  1. I

    Dream Iron Maidens set list...

    1 Aces High 2 2 minutes 3 Trooper 4 Wicker man 5 Brave New World 6 Phamtom of the Opera 7 Murders in a Rue morgue 8 The evil... 9 Afraid to shoot Strangers 10 Fear of the Dark 11 Powerslave 12 22 Acacia avenue 13 Montsegur 15 Iron maiden 16 Hallowed 17 Sanctuary 18 Running Free...
  2. I

    g'day from Australia

    Is this like the "No Homers" club? It says homers so they're allowed 1. The no Garys club ha ha ha
  3. I

    g'day from Australia

    Hi everyone, my name is Gary, I'm a Iron maiden fan from Australia. Just happens accross the Iron maidens site. The girls are a hell of a lot better looking then the real Maiden :grin: Love the names of the girls in the band and the pics of "The Maidens" meeting Maiden. Cheers :hotjump: