Recent content by IronMagnon

  1. IronMagnon

    Burzum's Varg Vikernes busted
  2. IronMagnon

    Controversial opinions on metal

    The only things I care to comment about: - Down is great, but I'd never say underrated - Ghost is incredibly overrated - Black Metal is, 9 times out of 10, god awful. And half of that 1 time it's only bearable because it is hilarious. - Metalcore is only decent when it's more hardcore than...
  3. IronMagnon

    Recommend me some Metal!

    If you dug Vektor and Testament/Exodus maybe some more Arizona Thrash would do you good? Atrophy Sacred Reich And Defiance from CA just for the hell of it. Often called "Testament Jr"...
  4. IronMagnon

    Death - Human - Live

    Hey Steve, I'm a massive fan. Caught you on the first run through of Death to All at the New York show. The one where I (and probably everyone else) almost passed out from heat exhaustion... Is the Europe tour the same deal as the US one? You'll be playing songs from Scream Bloody Gore until Human?
  5. IronMagnon


    Humungus from Richmond, VA Noisem from Baltimore, MD
  6. IronMagnon

    Most creative riffs ever in metal.

    Great album. Forest always blows me away with his bass performances. If only one of his bands toured the US! Riff-wise I was just starting to get back into this album. The riffs are definitely different than what you might be used to.
  7. IronMagnon

    Mandatory Now Playing

    The amount of thrash in the last few posts is awesome. Hooded Menace - Laboratories of Madness
  8. IronMagnon

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    starving and the AC is busted in the office. sweating my ass off in 90 degree new york heat
  9. IronMagnon

    \m/ Thrash Metal Discussion \m/

    I don't know what it is, but I can't for the life of me get into Razor. And I've tried. A lot.
  10. IronMagnon

    Last Album You Listened to in Full?

    A buddy of mine is setting a show up with them around DC. You should go to it when it rolls around!
  11. IronMagnon

    Last Album You Listened to in Full?

    Tentacle - Ingot Eye Real raw, heavy doom shit.
  12. IronMagnon

    are Crust and Grindcore considered genres of metal or of punk?

    Yeah man if you listen to them live it's not the same anymore either. I feel like Avy must've destroyed his voice on that recording and subsequent tours. The way he sounded was just incredible. Then again he might just be getting older. Happens to all the best vocalists.
  13. IronMagnon

    Now playing thread

    Catacombs - Fallen Into Shadow
  14. IronMagnon

    Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

    Just got Skyrim a week ago. Too addicting, spent an easy 6 hours without physically moving. Kind of happy my roommate deleted my game on accident, but then again also mourning my level 28 dark elf on the verge of doing some badass Dark Brotherhood missions. Must... resist... urge... to start new...
  15. IronMagnon

    Thrash/Death Recommendations

    Dead thread. Solstice's Pray for the Sentencing Aspid's Extravasation Invocator's Excursion Demise anything by Obliveon Protector's A Shedding of Skin Noisem's Agony Defined