Recent content by Iseldor

  1. Iseldor

    Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

    W00T its snowing in TEXAS!!!!!!!
  2. Iseldor

    I know you are bored out of your mind ......

    cleaning sucks huge scrotum
  3. Iseldor

    Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

    yeah ive never ran around in snow in shorts...the last time i was in real snow was in new mexico and my toes froze...but snow is still harcore
  4. Iseldor

    I am looking for bands similar to Amon Amarth.

    has anyone heard of destroy destroy destroy??? thier suppose to be viking metal
  5. Iseldor

    Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

    Dude i love snow...and i live in texas so we dont get much but still
  6. Iseldor

    Top 5 Fav Cartoons!

    south park family guy south park anerican dad ummmm??? G.i. joe
  7. Iseldor

    Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

    Dude thats hardcore...Im in southern shaoling kung fu and the work outs there are pretty intense but im young so i can take it:)
  8. Iseldor

    Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

    3D is kool and everything but the glasses get annyoung after a while so id rather wanna see it in 2D but ya i hear its a hardcore movie
  9. Iseldor

    Amon Amarth in Guitar Hero 5

    EHHH To me fallout really isnt that great its too much free roam. I like free roam but fallout is too free......But I do like Oblivian
  10. Iseldor

    Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

    lol wow that sounbs fun