Recent content by Izzard

  1. Izzard

    Last record you bought

    Amorphis - Tales From the Thousand Lakes
  2. Izzard

    Last record you bought

    Insomnium - Since the Day it all came down Kyuss - Sky Valley
  3. Izzard

    US TOUR 2009

    Sami from Ensiferum said on the website that the problem has been solved and that Hypocrisy should be able to play sometime next week
  4. Izzard

    US TOUR 2009

    Also, it was announced today that Lazarus A.D. will replace Ex Deo on the tour LINK
  5. Izzard

    US TOUR 2009

    I was reading over the U.S.'s policy on artist visa's, it said that all applications should be done well in advance to set tour dates. Hypocrisy stated they filed way early enough. It also said that workers should be sensitive to when these dates need to be met for the artist. Looks like someone...
  6. Izzard

    US TOUR 2009

    Unfortunately for me, the show i plan to attend is on Nov. 8th, which is the 3rd date on the tour.
  7. Izzard

    US TOUR 2009

    Incase some of you havent heard, the guys are having some trouble getting to play these shows. I sure hope this gets fixed fast
  8. Izzard

    what are ya listenin at?

    Across the Dark, ive also been listening to it, good album. Ive been an AIC fan for a long time, i have to say this album to me is just as good as any other album they have released. It's hard to explain but the songs seem very "complete" in a sense. Staley may be passed, but AIC is still...
  9. Izzard

    touring : 2nd guitar goes to...

    Ugh, i dont even like how its advertised on my local venue's page Children Of Bodom's frontman Alexi Laiho is filling in on guitar for Hypocrisy featuring: Ensiferum Hypocrisy Exdeo Blackguard Cynonyte
  10. Izzard

    touring : 2nd guitar goes to...

    Personally i think this should be an interesting combo. Im a big Ensiferum fan and big Hypocrisy fan as well. The whole Laiho thing will be interesting, and like others said, i hope the show isn't filled with COB fanboys (although i do like their very early material). I've been trying to get...
  11. Izzard

    Dreams of Turisas

    After i went to Paganfest, I have had a dream or two,where im back at the concert and after the show im hanging out with the bands and stuff. Pretty fun but not quite as interesting as yours Siriku lol.
  12. Izzard

    Tonight at Jaxx

    haha, no just something i was called growing up
  13. Izzard

    Tonight at Jaxx

    Haha in this picture it almost looks as if Johan H is playing a small guitar, with one huge arm,and and one small arm.
  14. Izzard

    post your hot body

    here is a more recent one of me with one badass mofo!
  15. Izzard

    TURISAS needs you crazy people for a new video! Act before July 25th!

    well damnit i cant do a submission, i only had 1 shot a grabbing some paint and something came up:bah:, and so i decided to spend my last few dollars I was gonna use and bought an air horn and scared people shitless today:heh: