Recent content by -J.J.-

  1. -J.J.-

    It is time to bring back the camo hatecrew shirt damnit!!!

    yeah i bought one im actully wearing it right now save ur money and get a nice hoddie or sommin haha
  2. -J.J.-

    any1 have the vancouver show on video

    hey i was wondering if someone had the vancouver show!!?!?!?!? if u have it could u plz put it on here it would be so helpfull haha
  3. -J.J.-

    Children Of Bodom In San Francisco (trivium got fucking owned)

    Man Trivium sux and everything but they dont need to be spat on. anyways i was at the van show and some kid said he was gunan steal the trivum guitar after the show break them and run soooo he went to go ...there was a clear path to the peopl taking the guitars off the stage and hes like shit...
  4. -J.J.-

    Alexi's Best Solo?

    mask of sanity or BBT