Recent content by jacontre

  1. J

    Tickets: For Sale/Wanted

    I still have 2 festival tickets for the 2 nights (Friday and Saturday). $200.00 and they're yours! E-mail me at jacontre[at]
  2. J

    Tickets: For Sale/Wanted

    Hi everybody, I have 2 festival tickets for the 2 nights (Friday and Saturday). I paid $266.15. Give me $200.00 and they're yours! Any takers? Please e-mail me at jacontre[at]
  3. J

    Enough of Jon Oliva already

    I totally agree that this is a bit too much fascination with this guy. I know Savatage's music enough to say I find it super Broadway-esque and cheesy. But hey, opinions are like assholes. I'm with you on this one (and with most of the unpopular views, it seems...)
  4. J


    i loved it, but the sound was crap. The house sound guy is completely deaf.
  5. J

    The Official Buy/Sell Ticket thread

    Hi, I have a ticket (2-day) pass for sale. E-mail me if you're interested: jacontre[at] cheers!