Recent content by Jacowboy

  1. J

    For all you Bush vs Belladona stubborn people:

    Oh well, in that case by all means, please continue debating it for the rest of your lives... like it's gonna change anyhting. I was just annoyed that I came here wanting to discuss the album, and the first thread I see is "The Joey Haters Were Wrong. Eat Your Crow Here!" and I'm like...
  2. J

    For all you Bush vs Belladona stubborn people:

    Okay, so some of us already heard Worship Music, some of us will hear it soon... Yes... the album is fucking killer... and after a decade of waiting, I'm glad to say it didn't disappoint. Yes, I love John Bush and I would have loved for him to stay. I also love Joey and I'm glad he came...
  3. J

    The Joey Haters Were Wrong. Eat Your Crow Here!

    Yeah dudes... I just heard the record and it's fuckin' killer and I love it... but don't make an idiot out of yourselves by saying stupid shit like "Bush era was crap". The day you do anything even a 10th as good as any of the Bush era albums with your life, give me a call... 'till then eat a...
  4. J

    What's up with all the noobs?

    yeah maybe, but who gives a shit =P
  5. J

    What's up with all the noobs?

    Pff you're all noobs for some of us old fucks =P We need a new Billy Milano feud or something to keep the masses entertained xD
  6. J

    Worship music leaked

    Here's a one-word review for you fuckers: EPIC! :D I've been waiting for this album for a decade, of course I wasn't gonna wait =P I'm getting my greedy hands on this as soon as I can. Fuck it, this album is so good I might buy more copies and just give 'em to random strangers xD
  7. J

    Anthrax - Fight Em Til You Can't NEW SONG live at Nassau Coliseum

    omg you people are still bitchin about the singers? LET IT GO... jeez... Both Bush and Belladonna are awesome, and if you don't agree: fuck you Anyways, Everyone's missing the point of this video: How fuckin' AWESOME is Rob's solo??? He's really steppin his game up with his guitar work...
  8. J

    Took a long road trip, listened to all John Bush era albums

    Ha! Can you spot the flaw in your "logic" (or what I'd guess you call logic)? Or are you just too much of a chimp to even be able to? You're right in one point though, there's no point in discussing anything with monkeys, or trolls. And you're pretty much both. Don't bother replying, I...
  9. J

    Took a long road trip, listened to all John Bush era albums

    Wow you people saying the Bushthrax records are bad have no clue. And ironmaidenfan09, 1st of all, do you need to take a long road trip to listen to 4 albums? And listening them once and probably skipping songs is what you consider giving them a fair chance? :rolleyes:
  10. J

    Albums that never get old

    Ah another Therapy? fan :kickass: I prefer Infernal Love though... classic, start to finish, then High Anxiety, then Semi-Detached Others I find never get old are: Skyclad: Jonah's Ark, Prince of Poverty Line... eh... almost all their albums... Metallica: And Justice, Ride the Lightning...
  11. J

    It's Official

    Ah... This could be interesting. It will probably be good... I'm still sad as fuck that John Bush ain't coming back... that's like finally realising daddy's not coming home :( hahahahaha... well not that tragic but yeah... NOW PLEASE FIND A RECORD DEAL ASAP!!! And I want that muthafuckah in...
  12. J

    New Megadeth

    Well it is like TSHF in the sense that it is diverse as far as musical styles go. It has lots of different rythms and sounds (which is nice, don't like when thet get stuck on two riffs) It is also a bit heavier, though not much faster. I wouldn't say it's like CTE at all... Or if you like...
  13. J

    New Megadeth

    I heard the whole album, actually I'm listening to it right now (it's out there for those interested...) It's pretty good, but nothing mind blowing so far... But yeah, DOOSH, he sings in a different way from previous preformances... his phrasings are indeed a bit weird, but since it happens a...
  14. J


    Oh yeah of course... Viva las internet! I'll download and wait for the most convenient release... I'm just hatin' out of principle :p I just hope the good version with the bonus tracks won't be a digipack 'cause then I'll be seriously pissed... and if that's the case... well the normal...
  15. J

    caught in a mosh with joey vera

    Ya callate imbecil que ni siquiera hablas bien en español. "Eres profesor que guitarra"...:Smug: This idiot doesn't even speak spanish correctly. But wait, he says he's a guitar teacher :rolleyes: Yeah ok. At least I know you're not mexican 'cause your insults in spanish sound too gay...