Recent content by jakethedog

  1. jakethedog

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Just checking up on this site I used to frequent, and taking in the realization that recreational marijuana has now been legalized in my nation's capital. Yay, Amurrica.
  2. jakethedog

    Males and Females

    Sure thing Carpe. It seems to be an idea among radical feminists that guys expecting "favors" from girls for treating them well, buying them things, etc, are sexist (and some say it promotes "rape culture", which I really don't understand.) But there's a difference between just wanting sex and...
  3. jakethedog

    Males and Females

    Exactly how I feel. The thing is, unless it's entirely one-sided, I don't understand how it's sexist - I've been interested in girls initially and later realized there was no real connection, or they did things that irritated me, or couldn't talk about things that required the tiniest bit of...
  4. jakethedog

    Males and Females

    Okay, honest question here. I keep seeing things on the internet on how the "friendzone" idea is sexist, or promotes "rape culture" - because the implication is that a girl is "obligated" to fuck a guy if he is nice to her. It could just be because I'm a guy, but I've always seen this a...
  5. jakethedog


    I saw them in concert last week in Boston and one of them had on what I thought was a Bruins shirt (at least was a hockey jersey) but the next time I looked it was off. I thought I imagined this, but apparently this is a thing they do?
  6. jakethedog

    NFL 2013

    I knew if the Patriots didn't make it to the Superbowl, that the Broncos would have to lose as well. Can't stand Peyton (his dipshit brother kicked my teams ass twice in the Superbowl, but couldn't stand his hillbilly ass before that either), can't stand Welker either for walking out on us for...
  7. jakethedog

    Males and Females

    When you start at a new school, do you just join a club when you're trying to meet girls? Or stick to online dating and risk meeting crazy bitches (I'm not sure I want to do that anymore...)
  8. jakethedog

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    So since I lasted posted here, I started school again... and I love it (I'm an English major with a minor in applied design.) Getting ready to finish up my degree. Also had to quit the job that was making me miserable... was certainly for the better. And tonight, I saw Amon Amarth, Enslaved...
  9. jakethedog

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Amon Amarth's "Deceiver of the Gods". Just saw them in concert, they played a bunch of songs from the album - was fucking awesome. (Enslaved and Skeletonwitch were also there, but I came in late and missed both)
  10. jakethedog

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Merry Christmas, Happy (almost) New Year, and Happy Boxing Day (that's actually a thing in Canada, right?) Got a new bass and amplifier, can't wait to set it up. Also got GTA5 and a bunch of gift cards from my relatives. I'm about to return to work, getting a present for the girl before I do...
  11. jakethedog

    What Popular Metal Bands Do You Hate?

    Not a huge fan of Megadeth for the sole fact that Dave Mustaine is an egotistical douchebag. And I can't stand his voice either. I'm also not a fan of anything that's not melodic, "folk metal" (wtf?), any girly shit where "I love you" is being screamed unintelligibly and out of context of the...
  12. jakethedog

    Males and Females

    I get it that the consensus here is "go for it".
  13. jakethedog

    Males and Females

    Definitely not a bad thing if she's that hot. I'll have to meet her in person, first...
  14. jakethedog

    Males and Females

    My friend's trying to hook me up with a girl who's 6 feet tall. I know this would be weird for most guys, but I'm 6'2, so I think it should be okay? Still, feckin tall.
  15. jakethedog

    Good metal songs to play on bass? (beginner)

    Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I'm gonna look them all up and try them out! :rock: If anyone else has ideas, keep posting 'em.