Recent content by James Murphy

  1. J

    Gun laws in the great state of NY

    Damn, i haven't been on this forum in so long that i keep looking for a "Like" button, :lol:
  2. J

    Gun laws in the great state of NY

    is it really?? i don't think it is, and i don't think you have any basis at all for making such a claim. There is functionally zero difference between verbalizing that you have a gun vs. cycling the action of the gun to make the necessary impression. If anything, logic dictates that the latter...
  3. J

    Gun laws in the great state of NY

    i assume you wont be pedantic enough to insist that it literally be the sound of a shotgun being racked... but would settle for anything in which it was made clear to an intruder that an armed homeowner was prepared to defend themselves... i repelled an intruder last year who was climbing over...
  4. J

    James Murphy may be having tumor recurrence - Blabbermouth

    i was just told about this tread, and i want to extend my heart-felt thanks to all my well-wishers here. i'm still awaiting the results of the MRI, and will hopefully get the details soon. again, thanks to you all for the kind words and thoughts!
  5. J

    Jeff Loomis - the recording chronicles (2011)

    really should credit pics properly when you know where they came from, ;)
  6. J

    Greatest Metal Guitar Mic on the planet !

    resurrected thread... my flirtation with the i5 on guitar was short lived... back on the 57 for quite some time now.
  7. J

    Brand New BLOODSOAKED video.

    cheers Peter.. i had fun cutting the solos.
  8. J

    RANT: Fuck You Avid!!

    we'll see how long it lasts, lol ;)
  9. J

    RANT: Fuck You Avid!!

    cool John... so we actually agree exactly. Bº)
  10. J

    how to sell 1 million albums and still owe..

    no, not really.... i've sold far less in my career and still get royalty checks, years later in some cases.... but recording contracts are business deals, and as with any business deal, you can surely get fucked if you aren't well represented. there are some records i've done that i have to...
  11. J

    RANT: Fuck You Avid!!

    so? you haven't had the experience.. i have... plain and simple... as have many others (just ask most Logic users), so you NOT having had it has zero bearing on that fact.
  12. J

    RANT: Fuck You Avid!!

    so john... who said that they heard a difference between two files that nulled? because i'm pretty sure nobody did... what i said was that i could hear a difference between online and offline bounces in some cases.... so i'm specifically saying they were different... never said a thing about the...
  13. J

    RANT: Fuck You Avid!!

    i think that this is a totally unsupportable claim Ermin.... and while i get your point about needing/wanting quick bounces at various stages of a project, i don't think you serve it well with this particular statement.
  14. J

    RANT: Fuck You Avid!!

    Adam.. as you might have guessed, my primary point is to do with outboard gear... but, despite being right about the theory, you are wrong about the empirical results... at least in some cases; while using DP for a few years, i noted several plug-ins that did not AT ALL work the same... i.e...
  15. J

    RANT: Fuck You Avid!!

    for about the 100th time sine i ever started posting on here.. and for my first post in many months... PT does not have offline bounce because it was not initially, nor for many years, a consumer/prosumer/hobbyist/amatuer-enthusiast platform.... and since offline bounce sucks giant nasty donkey...