Recent content by jamesboyd

  1. jamesboyd

    band e.p- (S2, recabinet, revalver)

    haha cheers man, yeah was tricky to mix fo sho :hypno: btw 'breakdown town' is probably the best track mix wise imo.
  2. jamesboyd

    band e.p- (S2, recabinet, revalver)

    Hey all, Long time no post ;) Just finished this up for a friends band, done on the cheap and in a hurry. The final version sadly was a bit ruined by L2 beating out the oxygen maximizer (and overgained guitars, originally more realistic due to less gain) Considering this was all done...
  3. jamesboyd

    New Axe-FX and S2 test mix

    awesome as always writing wise bro :rock: not sure if I'd rave about the gat tone though? Doesn't sound that much more realistic compared to your revalver tones. Having said that, I'm yet to hear a hi-gain axe-fx tone that's really close to a miked amp still has this...
  4. jamesboyd

    Quick Axe-FX Clip

    really cool man, funny how it sounds just like your mkiii tone \m/ It really is in the hands/ears. Maybe just a tad more clarity, I totally 'get' the tone you're going for....but just for the context of a proper mix/mastered product you might want a touch more sizzle/cut. already prefer...
  5. jamesboyd

    New Revalver Clip - ENDITOL

    :rock:hmmm, well maybe not a new genre per se, but it's about the only truly original slant on metal I've heard in quite some time! I like the adventurous harmonic sensibility, there's this dark overtone to it...but with a bit of quirk as well :rock: btw- what are the specs for your b7...
  6. jamesboyd

    New Revalver Clip - ENDITOL

    awesome :rock: it's retarded how good your chops are :waah: is that all blackmachine/nailbomb? really like the smooth vibe of the gats!! go play for planet x already ;)
  7. jamesboyd


    wow I must have a special kind of computer/internet acess because all I get is 'page unavailable' :ill:
  8. jamesboyd

    Isolation box

    black album was done with just huge boards and sheets of foam in front of the cabs in a corner I think......
  9. jamesboyd

    "oh, it's an ENGL?" new song!

    sounds awesome as usual man :rock: I like the fact that the guitars are 'as tight as a witches cleft' without being over-gained or mid-scooped. must try a fireball :kickass:
  10. jamesboyd

    Drumkit From Hell Superior sound test. How's this sound?

    sounds great man!! I really like the kick and snare as well as the toms. Hve you turned the kick off/down in the room mics? sounds really clean. I also really like the toms...... sonar?
  11. jamesboyd

    2 Speakers in the Same Cab (MP3s)

    to lazy to download but yeah I hear ya man........ the difference on my mesa cab was pretty damn apparent :hypno: So much to consider.......... so little time :goggly:
  12. jamesboyd

    The New Killswitch Engage

    jeez tough crowd :rolleyes: I actually really like the guitar sound, a lot smoother than the end of heartache.... and possibly a touch tighter which I personally like :rock: If that's generic metalcore, then I'm a fan of generic metalcore :kickass:
  13. jamesboyd

    The origin of the Andy kick...

    to get a natural dry kick (such as the dw dfhs kick) like andy's I had to compress it quite a bit, using the compression to accent the attack (the skin/beater sound) and get rid of the floor noise/decay. Then pretty heavy eqing. I actually used a frequency analysis plugin (with the 60-band...
  14. jamesboyd

    Spam: Mesa Single Rectifier - $900 Shipped

    you filthy, filthy whore :lol: :kickass:
  15. jamesboyd

    Guitar Intonation

    yeah man, sometimes for me the intonation can be tricky. For instance my g string (tuned to 'F') just wasn't sitting right and it was as far back as it would go, I changed strings and moved the bridge saddle right to the front and tried again and had it intonated in about 5 mins( and I didn't...