Recent content by Jaosix

  1. Jaosix

    BTBAM - Mirrors/Obfuscation Cover

    I was humming the words to Mirrors the whole time..great fucking song, and great cover
  2. Jaosix

    Critique my mix! Revision, Revised

    I know my toms definitely need some more work. The drums are steven slate with some processing. Vocal wise, thanks man! Left some feedback..Mix sounds good though
  3. Jaosix

    Mix feedback for Pantera/Metallica stylish band that I´m mixing

    Sounds great man. I love the "live" sound
  4. Jaosix

    Critique my melodic hardcore clip please

    Sounds like the snare is panned hard left o.o
  5. Jaosix

    Critique my mix! Revision, Revised

    Hey guys, haven't posted a mix in probably over a year. I need a lot of critique as I think I've hit a brick wall in mixing. I know it needs more clarity, but any more tips are more than welcome. This is a band my friends made about a year ago and they've really made progress. Recorded a few...
  6. Jaosix

    Band gives me this reference : Fit For a King - Guitar tone and production info ?

    Sounds like some kemper to me. I know the guitar they used was a 7 string schecter. Fucking sick band though, I listen to them everyday. If you want to get that tone right, you need their bass tone though. It really glues all that together..insane bass tone
  7. Jaosix

    My bands new release mixed and mastered by me (Post-hardcore, Russia, x50v2, SSD DB)

    Fuck yeah, Another Mask. I listened to their older album all the time before my old iPod broke
  8. Jaosix

    Suicide Silence - Unanswered (MIX)

    @shaggysi0 Oh mah lawd that bass tone
  9. Jaosix

    Anyone care to offer some feedback on this mix? (real drums, kemper)

    Guitars sound great! Bass could use some hard compression though to make it more solid. It's jumping out a lot it feels like. I love the blend of it with the guitars though. Fits together nice The snare volume definitely needs brought up. Maybe add a high shelf to make it pop out of the mix a...
  10. Jaosix

    Newcomer needs your comments.

    Pretty decent overall man. Guitar needs a bit more high end it feels like, to give it a little more bite and presence. Other parts need fixing but I guess if you downloaded the drums/bass straight as mp3 then there's nothing you can do about those lol
  11. Jaosix

    what do you think of this mix?

    Overall pretty good. I would definitely turn up the bass a tad. Also, the snare could use a bit more body/punch to it. There's one guitar in there that's panned near the middle that sounds a tad out of control 1:04 I think, could use a little high pass and a bit more compression. Maybe a...
  12. Jaosix

    What do you guys think of this mixing style ?

    Very clean, tight mix. I like it. Care to share your guitar processing chain?
  13. Jaosix

    Melodic Death Metal with Mixing Files! Totally forgot I had mixed this. Was sitting in my soundcloud
  14. Jaosix

    In a dire need of advice before sending the mix off to the band...

    Snare is waaaay too snappy/poppy sounding. I absolutely love the vocal processing. And yeah the synth is way too quiet.
  15. Jaosix

    Melodic Hardcore/Metalcore - First Mix (Superior, X50)

    Sorry man the project got cleared out a while ago :/ Thanks a lot though