Recent content by Jasef

  1. J

    Anyone going to DT in stockholm?

    It was a great great great show... i will now go to sleep, before I die...
  2. J

    :: art gallery :: >> in here

    Uhm... doesnt have anything to do with DT, but ill just post it anyway :)
  3. J

    How many MP3's do you have?

    About 1200
  4. J

    Best drummer of the following...

    Hey, dont blame me, it's my friend who wont give up :)
  5. J

    Best drummer of the following...

    Hello My friend and I are arguing about who is the "best" (most technical, most of a musician) drummer. My friends says David Silviera (korn) is superior, whil I say Anders Jivarp (Dark Tranquillity) is the better of the two. Please give me your opinion on this one, and preferably an argument...
  6. J

    Stockholm 5 dec.

    Ofcourse I will go there, wouldnt miss it for anything
  7. J

    Anders' drumming on DD

    One of my friend is really sure off his things when he says the drummer of Korn is way better... :o He must be sick today or something, must speak some sense into him...
  8. J

    1000 reasons to buy damage done today

    575) To please me
  9. J


    Ofcourse Im going :D
  10. J

    I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

    hello, Im new :zzz:
  11. J

    1000 reasons to buy damage done today

    541. To use as a nice plate if youre out of the ordinary ones :p
  12. J

    Dark Tranquillity in Warsaw - impressions

    Noo, I prefer Final resistance :) Though The Sun Fired Blanks would be nice, as someone already said...