Recent content by JedahTheDamned

  1. JedahTheDamned

    Damm, this man wastes no time!

    Yeah, I know that it was a horrible excuse for a documentary (as documantaries are know...interesting). I just downloaded it for the sake of being able to say "In your face Larrrrs!", which I now do....frequently....sometimes for no good reason.
  2. JedahTheDamned

    Damm, this man wastes no time!

    I downloaded it...ha ha ha!
  3. JedahTheDamned

    Dave Vincent is back...

    Yeah, Dave Vincent is great on the bass and mic, I won't deny that. But all accounts point to him being an absolutely arrogant cock offstage, as someone who continually sees himself on a plateau higher than everyone else, and who once swore that he'd never ever start playing trendy music...
  4. JedahTheDamned

    "Who's fault is it for the end of humanity"

    Hulk Hogan...that guy is evil. Every night, I have vividly horrible nightmares about being overrun by "Hulkamania", and wake up with the coldest of cold sweats, my heart beating frantically at the thought of the horror.....the horror....
  5. JedahTheDamned

    Where is everyone from that posts in this forum?

    Brownsville, Texas. Practically Mexico, really.
  6. JedahTheDamned

    Damm, this man wastes no time!

    The little Danish goblin gets to ride around in private jets with his supermodel girlfriend, all while I have to scrape together change from underneath my couch cushons to buy a freakin' soda at a 7-11. How's that for justice?
  7. JedahTheDamned

    July 26, 2004 - Vehemence In Mexico Along With Texas Dates Plus More Merchandise

    Commence Destruction...dude, I remember you. I used to raise hell on the VS boards as "Nocturnal Nemesis", man. :grin:
  8. JedahTheDamned

    July 26, 2004 - Vehemence In Mexico Along With Texas Dates Plus More Merchandise

    Killer show you guys played in Harlingen. Sure, the venue could generously be described as a "shithole", but all still managed to put on an awesome show inside that little sweatbox. So my hat is off to you for putting on such a great performance at the risk of keeling over from dehydration...