Recent content by jenfa

  1. J

    Biggest Jerk?

    i had the MISfortune of meeting Lostprophets (ugh) at Rios in bradford once and they were the biggest wankers i have ever come across (no pun intended) they had this whole "huh, yeah we're rockstars" attitude that pissed me off so bad. they were kids asking for autographs and trying to talk to...
  2. J

    Are You in a Band?

    it would be so fucking cool to do something like that!!
  3. J

    too much football!!

    i dont understand why people need to open a thread every time they have an exam or something to do with school, if theres already a relevant thread about it post it in there.
  4. J

    I survived school!!

    tis ok man!!!:grin:
  5. J

    Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

    A: pepsi Q: who does you laundry?
  6. J

    Where are you guys from?

    yes i think i do, did he used to drive a train? im sure its him,did he have a low key celebrity status? goes by the name of roy you say? im trying to think how many roys i know!! not many!! erm, ive actually forgotten my point! im just gonna leave!!!
  7. J

    Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

    A: no apparently toads do it though and it's meant to be good for you, cant see how if it's exiting your system surely all the goodness has gone. Q:how often do you sneeze?
  8. J

    Info for MSN/Hotmail Users

    MSN/HOTMAIL are a bunch of whoremongers, watch out you could suddenly find your email address giving you a shafting! shower of twats.
  9. J

    Most Overrated Metal Band

    actually my grandad is the one responsible for the computer program! but don't worry cos i'm killing him off for the inheritance, oh, and the creation of nickelback of course!!!!
  10. J

    Are You in a Band?

    this made me laugh so fucking much!! thankyou, today was gonna be a crap day!
  11. J

    At the gates - The swarm (terminal spirit disease)

    its not necesarily the band though, its probably the record company cashing in on the back of their good name and reputation, its a similer situation to what Amen's ex-record company did to them after they left, they re-released one of their albums and Amen had to shout about it and tell...
  12. J

    Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

    A: no i live in sunny leeds Q: have you ever ridden a horse?
  13. J

    What an great band

    no its a crossover of free-lance jazz and garage with a death metal growling over the top! very interesting!!
  14. J

    too much football!!

    i get what your saying about the substituting the word football for music, but when it gets to this time of year it all becomes a bit too much, football doesnt bother me any other time of the year, its just world cup time and it gets everywhere, also people look at you like your mad if you didnt...
  15. J

    I survived school!!

    hey alot of people i know said that Durham was kinda boring, i know someone who went for a year and then came back to leeds cos she said there was nothing to do there, anyway hope it all goes well for you, im not surprised i didnt get in though what with it being a red brick uni and all that, i...