Recent content by JimD

  1. JimD

    IMBB Most Wanted List

    indeed, scandalous....isn't it?
  2. JimD

    IMBB Most Wanted List

    do tell! hmmmz guess I missed some things :erk:
  3. JimD

    IMBB Most Wanted List

    I thought so :hotjump:
  4. JimD

    IMBB Most Wanted List

    there's the root of it then, you always wanted your mullet flag to fly but since it never grew you were shunned by late 80's headbangers and turned to the place you found acceptance, Duran Duran :grin:
  5. JimD

    IMBB Most Wanted List

    I still say you have a mullet and Slayer t-shirt in your past. :loco:
  6. JimD

    IMBB Most Wanted List

    most hated? suppose that depends on each of us, betrayed totally by Lamia myself Nav was hated but always cool to me. Roller2 was cool but ended up being a major fake nick shit stirrer Yesferro has always been cool to me, same with flip. GG and Ray got pissed at me sometimes but ended up...
  7. JimD

    Why your signature?

    it's from one of the character voices in Icewindale, a pc game. I was feeling frustrated at the time. :grin:
  8. JimD

    Ray_M and lover boy GGoose

    now I remember why I miss the old GC. At least it was interesting.
  9. JimD

    For those coming over from the official board...

    soooo basically you are saying it can be kinda like the old GC at IM, but not completely like it? :hypno:
  10. JimD

    *Sets up refugee camp.

    let's see: how many marriages, romances, therapy sessions, novels, recipes, drinking contests, musical tastes, babies, etc do you all think will be spawned from this bb? :wave:
  11. JimD

    I have arrived!

    here I am as well. hard to believe that I spent 3 years posting in a place that will no longer exist. :hypno:
  12. JimD

    The Maiden BB just fell over again!

    ayeah, it be tits up again
  13. JimD

    How can the Maiden BB be down again already?!

    it's a curse just like the thunderstorms that accompany any festival gig Maiden does :hypno:
  14. JimD

    How can the Maiden BB be down again already?!

    fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck fuck fuck :hotjump:
  15. JimD

    still no new dates

    and no bb either. nice time to have the site go down! :lol: