Recent content by Jimmy Frankles

  1. Jimmy Frankles

    Recording finished! Mixing begins...

    ooooh thanks x :heh:
  2. Jimmy Frankles

    Recording finished! Mixing begins...

    Hi OL - brilliant yeah i'll come right over, are you gonna teach me the songs?? i'll need to practice before we do any gigs! anyone who wants a copy of the album just let me know, i've done loads of copies.
  3. Jimmy Frankles

    Recording finished! Mixing begins...

    I've heard it and it sounds BRRRRRRRRILLLLLIANT!!!! Hope you dont mind that i made a copy for myself, i wont give it to anyone, except my mates and people on the internet of coarse. And i just wanted to ask - can i join the band now, being as we're best mates and you invited me to the studio...