Recent content by Jock La Crotch

  1. J

    About Colossus...

    Wow, that's cool! I just happen to live in Lexington. Crazy I've never noticed that clock. Guess I need to go inside the library to see it lol.
  2. J

    Beer discussion thread

    Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
  3. J

    Maynard has done it so why not Mikael Åkerfeldt?

    Mikael isn't the only member in Opeth! WTF!!! Your making it sound like the other guys have no say in the music and that he is the only member who matters. SHAME I SAY, SHAME!!!!
  4. J

    The new album

    Are we going to get to hear samples of the new album? That would be really cool. I saw the track listing on the offical site, but still no track samples. Please give them to us!!! Thanks :grin:
  5. J

    NEW FEAR FACTORY 'Archetype'

    ??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What the hell do you consider "Good" music?
  6. J

    Kataklsym - Serenity in Fire

    lets hear your drumming.....oh yeah, Pearl Jam??? WTF!!
  7. J

    Recomend me some Borknagar!!!

    Do it then.
  8. J

    Kataklsym - Serenity in Fire

    I agree with this review. First half is great but starts to drop off after that. Some of the fastest drumming I've ever heard!!! Worth getting just to hear this drummer.
  9. J

    Cannibal Corpse - The Wretched Spawn

    One more thing...If you have an XboX and own GTA3, burn this album onto your XboX and then your able to listen to it on the last radio station in your car. Great for those late night killing sprees! :Spin:
  10. J

    God Forbid - Gone Forever

    IMO this album is really lame. Way too commercial sounding and really whiny. Needs to be trashed along with Killswitch and Taproot.
  11. J

    The secret to Tool's "Lateralus"

    Delete this thread.
  12. J

    Most underated albums

  13. J

    Recomend me some Borknagar!!!

    Just buy all the albums.
  14. J


    First off, you have no idea what the hell your talking about. He wrote each song for the type of singer on purpose. All the singers on the album are all from bands he likes and listens to. DUMBASS!!!